Romans 13: Questions and Answers
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Christ Rose
2024-09-10 17:37:46 UTC
Romans 13: Questions and Answers


1. What is the primary reason for
submitting to governing authorities
according to Romans 13?

The primary reason for submitting to
governing authorities is that God has
established them. Resisting authority
means resisting God’s ordinance, which
leads to judgment (Romans 13:1-2). This
shows that submission to civil rulers is
an act of obedience to God’s sovereignty
over all human governments.

2. How does Romans 13 explain the role
of government in maintaining justice?

Romans 13 teaches that governments serve
as God’s instruments to maintain justice
in society. Authorities act as servants
of God by punishing wrongdoers and
rewarding those who do good (Romans
13:3-4). This establishes the principle
that government exists to promote order
and act as a tool of God’s wrath against
evil, fulfilling a divinely ordained
role in society.

3. What connection does Romans 13 make
between love and fulfilling the law?

Romans 13 explains that love fulfills
the law because all commandments,
including prohibitions against adultery,
murder, theft, and coveting, are summed
up in the command to love one’s neighbor
(Romans 13:8-10). When believers act in
love, they fulfill God’s moral law,
reflecting the essential nature of the
law in how it promotes the well-being of

4. How does Romans 13 emphasize the
urgency of righteous living?

Romans 13 urges believers to live
righteously in light of the nearness of
Christ’s return. Paul writes that
salvation is nearer now than when
believers first believed, encouraging
them to wake from spiritual sleep, cast
off works of darkness, and put on the
armor of light (Romans 13:11-12). This
highlights the need for vigilance and
holiness in anticipation of Christ’s coming.

5. What does Romans 13 teach about the
relationship between civil and divine

Romans 13 shows that civil authority is
established by God and must be respected
as part of obedience to Him. However,
when civil authorities demand actions
contrary to God’s commands, believers
must obey God rather than men (Acts
5:29). This teaches that divine
authority supersedes civil authority,
but both are part of God’s overall order
for humanity (Romans 13:1-2).

Have you heard the good news Christ died
for our sins (†), and God raised Him
from the dead?

That Christ died for our sins shows
we're sinners who deserve the death
penalty. That God raised Him from the
dead shows Christ's death satisfied
God's righteous demands against our sin
(Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:1-2). This means
God can now remain just, while forgiving
you of your sins, and saving you from
eternal damnation.

On the basis of Christ's death and
resurrection for our sins, call on
the name of the Lord to save you:
"For "everyone who calls on the name
of the Lord will be saved."" (Romans
10:13, ESV)

2024-09-10 21:14:18 UTC
Post by Christ Rose
Romans 13: Questions and Answers
1. What is the primary reason for
submitting to governing authorities
according to Romans 13?
The primary reason for submitting to
governing authorities is that God has
established them. Resisting authority
means resisting God’s ordinance, which
leads to judgment (Romans 13:1-2). This
shows that submission to civil rulers is
an act of obedience to God’s sovereignty
over all human governments.
Meaning in 1875 and earlier.
pp. Appointed; instituted; established; invested with ministerial or pastoral
functions; settled.
Today. 1 make (someone) a priest or minister; confer holy orders on:he was
ordained a minister before entering Parliament|women or dained to the
diaconate|(ordainedas adjective):an ordained clergyman.

2 order or decree (something)officially:equal punishment was ordained for the
two crimes.•(especially of God or fate)prescribe; determine (something):the
path ordained by God.

Now the word in greek, translasted to the language of today is used as.

8x: to arrange; to set, appoint, in a certain station, Luk 7:8; Rom 13:1; to
set, devote, to a pursuit, 1Co 16:15; to dispose, frame, for an object, Act
13:48; to arrange, appoint, place or time, Mat 28:16; Act 28:23; to allot,
assign, Act 22:10; to settle, decide, Act 15:2.

(AFV)Let everyone be subject to the higher authorities because there is no
authority except from God; and those authorities that exist have been
instituted by God;

You see, there is a difference in the definitions of words over a time period
that should be taken into account, even in just simply reading without the
guidance of the Holy Spirit. A great example of that is the law that says,
“Thou shalt not kill” which some have taken to mean not to kill anything,
animals, birds, people, etc. Which is counter to Gods word since there has
always been a death penalty for murder ever since the time of the Flood.
That law, properly translated in todays English says, “Thou shalt not
murder” which has an entirely different context.

If God “ordained” Sovereignly as the OP has stated, then there would be
no allowances to deviate from that ordinance unless it was specified for that
ordinance, for God is not the author of Confusion, and keeps things clearly

God has stated, let your yea’s be yes, and your nay’s be no. IOW KISS.

So be wary of pretenders, even of the wise, because they are all human. Trust
in the Lord and lean not to your own understandings, in all your ways
acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.

A wise President once said, “Trust, but verify” Great advice, and one we
should all follow.

God said, there is a way that seems right to men, but the end thereof is
death. And that is the case with men and their theologies. Get to know God,
and He will draw near to you, so Buddy up to him, with respect to His
Lordship. Jesus said, I no longer see you as servants but as friends to those
who are born again and have given their lives to him. What better Friend can
one have than Him?
