How many more children, babies, mothers and fathers, brothers and
sisters, elderly, disabled innocent civilians have to be destroyed
to make Israel feel safer?
You want a terrorist victory? You're rooting for Hamas?
No problem!
Support Netanyahu!
Short term Hamas is going to get a lot more Palestinians
killed, but that's a plus! Dead babies are good for
business. Dead babies are pure gold in the propaganda war,
the real war Hamas is fighting.
Netanyahu and his entire criminal regime is destroying Israel.
Be patient. You will win. Israel will be destroyed.
That generation controlled by Greta and the Euro elite? They're
already being brainwashed to hate Jews. "Climate justice for
Palestinian," the Hitler Youth are chanting, as Greta defiantly
lifts her fist towards the sky... "Climate justice for Palestine!"
Climate Change is the single most important thing in the
universe, and DA JOOOS are behind it, Greta tells them.
Those college campuses takes over? Bridges and roads blocked?
The psychos doing it are going to be running the world in 20
Netanyahu surrendered the propaganda war. At the same time he's
built Iran as the name & face of opposition to Israel. He's
radicalized the "Common Man" in the Arab world to the point that
the U.S. and France and Israel have all recently bombed Syria to
keep weapons out of the hands of the new terrorist government.
Jordan in teetering on collapse, the kingdom to be replaced by
a radical Islamic state...
Yeah, Netanyahu has buried Israel. It may take six months, it
may take 20 years -- some say 40 -- but Israel will never
survive the damage Netanyahu has inflicted upon it.
So, if you love terrorism, if you love radical Islam and want
to see a violent, warring Islamic super state, support Netanyahu.