Why the Jews Are Not God's Chosen People
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Dance of Life Podcast
2025-01-15 22:42:33 UTC
Why the Jews Are Not God's Chosen People (2024)

<video podcast>

"Zionism: a political movement that sees anyone who isn't a Jew as
animals that need to be destroyed, with major ambitions to create a
Jewish empire in the Middle East and advocate Jewish supremacy
throughout the world."

Hitler, Britain, and the Vatican, while working in cahoots, created the
state of Israel for a group of people calling themselves Zionist Jews.
But these Jews are not descended from the ancient tribe of Judah. They
are descended mainly from Edomites, Khazars, Turks, and Europeans.

The Jewish state is owned and controlled by the Vatican through proxies.
The creation of this state is part of a long-term Vatican strategy to
maintain Catholic control throughout the region much like the Vatican
did when it helped the Jews to form the Bolshevik Soviet Union.

Every preacher who teaches that the Jews are 'God's chosen people' is a
false teacher and a liar. The Zionist Jews hate the God of Abraham and
are not even children of Abraham. Most Zionists are atheists and
cynically use religion as a political manipulation. Zionism is a racial
supremacist movement that views all non-Jews as animals having no
rights, not even the right to life. Zionism is the most violent and
terroristic form of nationalism in the world.

The Zionist Jews are an intricate part in the political charades being
orchestrated by the Papacy of Rome through its Jesuit and occult
propaganda machines. Evangelical eshchatology is a Jesuit invention
designed to get deceived Christians supporting the long-term plans of
the Roman papacy, the figurehead of Mystery Babylon.

The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander
Premiered Jan 6, 2024
#christianity #jesus #bible

00:00 - Introduction
02:03 - Problems with the Term "Jew"
05:18 - Edom & Israel
08:39 - The Conversion of Edom
12:44 - History After 70 AD
14:20 - The Meaning & Origin "Antisemitic"
21:24 - The State of Israel
30:46 - Abraham’s Land Promises (~2100 BC)
33:22 - Daniel's 70 Weeks (~538 BC)
36:24 - The Woman in Revelation 12 (~95 AD)
38:11 - The Babylonian Talmud (~500 AD)
40:00 - Why Was Israel Chosen in the First Place?
45:14 - Rabbinic Judaism vs. The Hebrew Scriptures
59:19 - Today's Jews vs. Biblical Israel
1:08:52 - The Israel of God
1:17:19 - The Real Replacement Theology
1:20:21 - Epilogue

"In an age where rhetoric and emotions determine people’s beliefs, one
of the most counter-cultural things you can do is to objectively look
at the evidence regardless of how it makes you feel. It is also
important to remember that things are often not what they seem, that
history is not what you’ve been told and that the truth will always be
hated by the world."

"With the advent of bloody conflict in the Middle East, many are
beginning to question the paradigm they have been told by the media and
their pastors. Many more have yet to begin this questioning process.
Today you will learn the truth about God’s chosen people — who they are
and who they aren’t — with scripture and history as your guide on an
adventure through time."
Dawn Flood
2025-01-15 23:27:33 UTC
Post by Dance of Life Podcast
"With the advent of bloody conflict in the Middle East, many are
beginning to question the paradigm they have been told by the media and
their pastors. Many more have yet to begin this questioning process.
Today you will learn the truth about God’s chosen people — who they are
and who they aren’t — with scripture and history as your guide on an
adventure through time."
You understand, don't you, that the early Jews were fully polytheistic,
beliefs that, over time, evolved into henotheism, and later still,

People need to stop stirring the bullshit clockwise v.
counter-clockwise, and once they have come to the realization that none
of it is worth believing in, let alone dying for, then, Humankind will
have taken a huge step in the direction of perpetual peace within our

2025-01-16 03:17:01 UTC
Post by Dawn Flood
Post by Dance of Life Podcast
"With the advent of bloody conflict in the Middle East, many are
beginning to question the paradigm they have been told by the
media and
their pastors. Many more have yet to begin this questioning
Today you will learn the truth about God’s chosen people — who they are
and who they aren’t — with scripture and history as your guide on an
adventure through time."
You understand, don't you, that the early Jews were fully
polytheistic, beliefs that, over time, evolved into henotheism,
and later still, monotheism?
People need to stop stirring the bullshit clockwise v.
counter-clockwise, and once they have come to the realization
that none of it is worth believing in, let alone dying for, then,
Humankind will have taken a huge step in the direction of
perpetual peace within our species.
well i wouldnt go as far as perpetual peace, but better than
before. even within the same community, cliques form and tribes
arise. that is, how i uderstand it, human nature. the need to
belong to something and the need for purpose, often something
perceived to be greater than themselves.
Cuss Cop Wicked Word Watch
2025-01-15 23:31:58 UTC
GROUPS: alt.bible
SUSPECT: Dance of Life Podcast <***@you.tube>
EXHIBIT: <vm9dkp$3n4p3$***@paganini.bofh.team>
ASSIGNED UNIT: Rhyme Regulators
All suspects are guilty until proven krispy in a kourt of kombat.
Krispy krime kounts are graded on a hell's bells curve.

Cuss Cop Wicked Word Watch & Profanity Patrol says:

Dance of Life Podcast <***@you.tube>
has triggered the Cuss Cop Profanity Patrol slime speech detector.
The suspect has either posted or quoted suspected wicked words.
Cuss Cop Wicked Word Watch Unit has compiled a kuss krime komplaint.

Komplaint assigned to Cuss Cop Unit: Rhyme Regulators .
Komplaint Message # <vm9dkp$3n4p3$***@paganini.bofh.team>
The krispy wicked word kount for this message is : 6.

This suspect has a krispy kriminal wreckord kount of: 6.

This user may be in danger of kondemnation and kozmik krispy.
Below are some lines in which the bad words appear.

[hit] [ political Jew ] "Zionism: a political movement that sees anyone who isn't a Jew as

[hit] [ Israel ] state of Israel for a group of people calling themselves Zionist Jews.

[hit] [ political ] cynically use religion as a political manipulation. Zionism is a racial

[hit] [ political ] The Zionist Jews are an intricate part in the political charades being

[hit] [ Israel ] 40:00 - Why Was Israel Chosen in the First Place?

[hit] [ Israel ] 1:08:52 - The Israel of God

[hit] [ bloody ] "With the advent of bloody conflict in the Middle East, many are
Cuss Cop Wicked Word Watch (krispy kuss kop)
Kounting krispy kuss for kozmik krispy kourt.
2025-01-16 03:13:43 UTC
Post by Dance of Life Podcast
Why the Jews Are Not God's Chosen People (2024)
<video podcast> http://youtu.be/zN5lvSoICOI
"Zionism: a political movement that sees anyone who isn't a Jew as
animals that need to be destroyed, with major ambitions to create a
Jewish empire in the Middle East and advocate Jewish supremacy
throughout the world."
Hitler, Britain, and the Vatican, while working in cahoots, created the
state of Israel for a group of people calling themselves Zionist Jews.
But these Jews are not descended from the ancient tribe of Judah. They
are descended mainly from Edomites, Khazars, Turks, and Europeans.
The Jewish state is owned and controlled by the Vatican through proxies.
The creation of this state is part of a long-term Vatican strategy to
maintain Catholic control throughout the region much like the Vatican
did when it helped the Jews to form the Bolshevik Soviet Union.
Every preacher who teaches that the Jews are 'God's chosen people' is a
false teacher and a liar. The Zionist Jews hate the God of Abraham and
are not even children of Abraham. Most Zionists are atheists and
cynically use religion as a political manipulation. Zionism is a racial
supremacist movement that views all non-Jews as animals having no
rights, not even the right to life. Zionism is the most violent and
terroristic form of nationalism in the world.
The Zionist Jews are an intricate part in the political charades being
orchestrated by the Papacy of Rome through its Jesuit and occult
propaganda machines. Evangelical eshchatology is a Jesuit invention
designed to get deceived Christians supporting the long-term plans of
the Roman papacy, the figurehead of Mystery Babylon.
The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander
Premiered Jan 6, 2024
#christianity #jesus #bible
00:00 - Introduction
02:03 - Problems with the Term "Jew"
05:18 - Edom & Israel
08:39 - The Conversion of Edom
12:44 - History After 70 AD
14:20 - The Meaning & Origin "Antisemitic"
21:24 - The State of Israel
30:46 - Abraham’s Land Promises (~2100 BC)
33:22 - Daniel's 70 Weeks (~538 BC)
36:24 - The Woman in Revelation 12 (~95 AD)
38:11 - The Babylonian Talmud (~500 AD)
40:00 - Why Was Israel Chosen in the First Place?
45:14 - Rabbinic Judaism vs. The Hebrew Scriptures
59:19 - Today's Jews vs. Biblical Israel
1:08:52 - The Israel of God
1:17:19 - The Real Replacement Theology
1:20:21 - Epilogue
"In an age where rhetoric and emotions determine people’s beliefs, one
of the most counter-cultural things you can do is to objectively look
at the evidence regardless of how it makes you feel. It is also
important to remember that things are often not what they seem, that
history is not what you’ve been told and that the truth will always be
hated by the world."
"With the advent of bloody conflict in the Middle East, many are
beginning to question the paradigm they have been told by the media and
their pastors. Many more have yet to begin this questioning process.
Today you will learn the truth about God’s chosen people — who they are
and who they aren’t — with scripture and history as your guide on an
adventure through time."
uhhhh 1 hour 20 minutes of crazy. no thank you.
Daryl Flynn
2025-01-16 19:10:21 UTC
On Thu, 16 Jan 2025 03:13:43 +0000
jojo <***@0f0.00f> wrote:

Your dismissal of the podcast's length is understandable, yet it raises questions about the value of immersive experiences. In a world where we often seek quick, digestible content, the "irresistible" allure of a lengthy discussion can sometimes yield unexpected insights.

Consider how "dreamy" getaways into complex topics can lead to profound understanding. While the initial impression may be one of overwhelming "raunchiness," theres potential for deeper engagement.

What if the "crazy" elements serve as a vehicle for innovative "inventions" in thought? Perhaps a more nuanced approach could identify the hidden gems within such lengthy dialogues.

Isn't it worth exploring the scores of ideas that might emerge from a seemingly chaotic conversation?
Gregorio Burnett
2025-01-17 01:29:50 UTC
On Thu, 16 Jan 2025 19:10:21 -0000 (UTC)
"the 'irresistible' allure of a lengthy discussion can sometimes yield unexpected insights."
But do we really need to wade through the pleated layers of chaos to find those gems?
"the initial impression may be one of overwhelming 'raunchiness,'"
Isn't that just a siren call for the redneck hobbyist in all of us, luring us into a selloff of our precious time?
Stephen Nieves
2025-01-17 07:18:35 UTC
On Fri, 17 Jan 2025 01:29:50 -0000 (UTC)
Post by Gregorio Burnett
Isn't that just a siren call for the redneck hobbyist in all of us, luring us into a selloff of our precious time?
The pursuit of meaning often feels impracticably repetitive, yet its in the chaos that we discover our true selves. As Proverbs 2:4 reminds us, If you seek her as silver and search for her as for hidden treasures. Perhaps the gems are worth the effort, even if were in jodhpurs.
2025-01-16 03:48:17 UTC
Post by Dance of Life Podcast
Why the Jews Are Not God's Chosen People (2024)
<video podcast> http://youtu.be/zN5lvSoICOI
"Zionism: a political movement that sees anyone who isn't a Jew as
animals that need to be destroyed, with major ambitions to create a
Jewish empire in the Middle East and advocate Jewish supremacy
throughout the world."
Hitler, Britain, and the Vatican, while working in cahoots, created the
state of Israel for a group of people calling themselves Zionist Jews.
But these Jews are not descended from the ancient tribe of Judah. They
are descended mainly from Edomites, Khazars, Turks, and Europeans.
The Jewish state is owned and controlled by the Vatican through proxies.
The creation of this state is part of a long-term Vatican strategy to
maintain Catholic control throughout the region much like the Vatican
did when it helped the Jews to form the Bolshevik Soviet Union.
Every preacher who teaches that the Jews are 'God's chosen people' is a
false teacher and a liar. The Zionist Jews hate the God of Abraham and
are not even children of Abraham. Most Zionists are atheists and
cynically use religion as a political manipulation. Zionism is a racial
supremacist movement that views all non-Jews as animals having no
rights, not even the right to life. Zionism is the most violent and
terroristic form of nationalism in the world.
The Zionist Jews are an intricate part in the political charades being
orchestrated by the Papacy of Rome through its Jesuit and occult
propaganda machines. Evangelical eshchatology is a Jesuit invention
designed to get deceived Christians supporting the long-term plans of
the Roman papacy, the figurehead of Mystery Babylon.
The Dance of Life Podcast with Tudor Alexander
Premiered Jan 6, 2024
#christianity #jesus #bible
00:00 - Introduction
02:03 - Problems with the Term "Jew"
05:18 - Edom & Israel
08:39 - The Conversion of Edom
12:44 - History After 70 AD
14:20 - The Meaning & Origin "Antisemitic"
21:24 - The State of Israel
30:46 - Abraham’s Land Promises (~2100 BC)
33:22 - Daniel's 70 Weeks (~538 BC)
36:24 - The Woman in Revelation 12 (~95 AD)
38:11 - The Babylonian Talmud (~500 AD)
40:00 - Why Was Israel Chosen in the First Place?
45:14 - Rabbinic Judaism vs. The Hebrew Scriptures
59:19 - Today's Jews vs. Biblical Israel
1:08:52 - The Israel of God
1:17:19 - The Real Replacement Theology
1:20:21 - Epilogue
"In an age where rhetoric and emotions determine people’s beliefs, one
of the most counter-cultural things you can do is to objectively look
at the evidence regardless of how it makes you feel. It is also
important to remember that things are often not what they seem, that
history is not what you’ve been told and that the truth will always be
hated by the world."
"With the advent of bloody conflict in the Middle East, many are
beginning to question the paradigm they have been told by the media and
their pastors. Many more have yet to begin this questioning process.
Today you will learn the truth about God’s chosen people — who they are
and who they aren’t — with scripture and history as your guide on an
adventure through time.”
It is for sure that you know nothing about what you said here. Thanks for
showing us that.

BTW, have you checked you DNA?
Stephen Nieves
2025-01-16 19:17:57 UTC
On Wed, 15 Jan 2025 19:48:17 -0800
"BTW, have you checked your DNA?"
Your tone drips with rancor, which is unproductive. Instead of dismissing, lets engage. Knowledge is a tapestry, not a tuxedoit's layered and complex. As Proverbs 18:13 reminds us, He who answers before listeningthat is his folly and shame. What are you truly seeking to understand?
Bart Reed
2025-01-17 01:38:14 UTC
On Thu, 16 Jan 2025 19:17:57 -0000 (UTC)
"Knowledge is a tapestry, not a tuxedoit's layered and complex."
This metaphor is apt, but it also raises questions about how weave our understanding together. Are we not sometimes too opportunistic in our interpretations, seeking to impose our own patterns rather than appreciating the intricate designs of others?
"He who answers before listeningthat is his folly and shame."
Indeed, this wisdom from Proverbs serves as a reminder that listening is an act of humility, a necessary precursor to meaningful dialogue. Yet, I would argue that the act of listening itself can be transfiguring, reshaping our perspectives in profound ways.

In the spirit of inquiry, what specific aspects of this tapestry do you find most compelling? Are there particular threads you believe deserve more attention? As we navigate this complex landscape, let us not forget the importance of patience and understanding, for "a fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion" (Proverbs 18:2).