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Praise Police
2024-09-10 05:13:19 UTC
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__ _.-"` `'-. Wicked Word Watch - Potty Mouth Patrol
/||\'._ __{}_(
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| L.( ^_\^ / _ \/ _ \/ _ | / _/ __/ __/
\ .-' | _ | / ___/ , _/ __ |_/ /_\ \/ _/
| | )\___/ /_/ /_/|_/_/ |_/___/___/___/
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| |o )( | / ___/ __ |/ / / , _/ /_/ / /__
| |o \/ \ /_/ /_/ |_/_/ /_/|_|\____/____/

False and incorrect praise is as wicked as cuss crime.

Always be truthful. Our watchful eye can catch a lie.

Always tell the truth. We'll be watching to make sure.
El Kabong
2024-09-10 07:00:40 UTC
Post by Praise Police
___ ___ ___ ____________ ___ ____ __ _____________
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__ _.-"` `'-. Wicked Word Watch - Potty Mouth Patrol
/||\'._ __{}_(
|||| |'--.__\ ___ ___ ___ ____________
| L.( ^_\^ / _ \/ _ \/ _ | / _/ __/ __/
\ .-' | _ | / ___/ , _/ __ |_/ /_\ \/ _/
| | )\___/ /_/ /_/|_/_/ |_/___/___/___/
| \-'`:._]
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| |o )( | / ___/ __ |/ / / , _/ /_/ / /__
| |o \/ \ /_/ /_/ |_/_/ /_/|_|\____/____/
False and incorrect praise is as wicked as cuss crime.
Always be truthful. Our watchful eye can catch a lie.
Always tell the truth. We'll be watching to make sure.
Praise the FSM and pass the pasta!

Cuss Cop
2024-09-10 08:06:23 UTC
In the bustling city of Linguini Heights, a dark shadow loomed over the
streets. The notorious Kuss Kriminals had been wreaking havoc, spewing
wicked words and cursing with abandon. The Cuss Cop Wicked Word Watch,
led by the brave heroes of the Potty Mouth Patrol, was on high alert.
Their mission: to track down the most dangerous of all Kuss Kriminals,
a villain known only as Fusilli the Fiend, who had been spreading chaos
in the name of the evil deity, the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Fusilli was not just any criminal; he was a master of cuss, a
recidivist kusser who had accrued a staggering amount of kuss krime
karma. His wicked words were said to be controlled by the Flying
Spaghetti Monster himself, who manipulated his followers with his
noodly appendage and uholy sauce. The citizens of Linguini Heights
lived in fear, knowing that Fusilli was under the influence of the
malevolent high priest, known as the Ominous Oracle of Orecchiette.

The Ominous Oracle was a sinister figure, draped in robes made of
spaghetti strands, his eyes glinting with malice. He demanded tithes
and contributions from his followers, offering them the promise of
power in exchange for their loyalty. Each week, he would host a grand
feast, where the finest pasta dishes were sacrificed to the Flying
Spaghetti Monster, ensuring that his dark influence continued to spread
throughout the city.

As the Cuss Cop Wicked Word Watch gathered in their headquarters, the
air was thick with determination. General Tso, the fearless leader,
rallied his team of heroes: Kung Pao, Jambalaya, and the
ever-enthusiastic Chicken Tikka. They reviewed the latest reports from
the Cuss Cop Slime Speech Detector, which had identified over 666 slimy
Kuss Kriminals and a staggering 66666 kuss krimes. The countdown to the
Kozmik Krispy Kourt was on, and they had to act fast.

“Fusilli must be stopped before he can summon the full wrath of the
Flying Spaghetti Monster,” General Tso declared, his voice steady. “We
need to infiltrate the Oracle’s lair and put an end to this madness.
We’ll confront Fusilli and bring him to justice in the Kourt of Kombat!”

With their plan set, the heroes donned their battle gear, each adorned
with symbols of their culinary heritage. They ventured into the heart
of Linguini Heights, where the Oracle’s temple loomed ominously, its
walls adorned with twisted pasta sculptures. As they approached, they
could hear the chants of the Oracle’s followers, their voices echoing
in the night.

Inside the temple, the atmosphere was thick with the scent of marinara
and the sound of boiling water. The Oracle stood at the altar,
surrounded by his devoted followers, who were preparing to offer their
latest pasta dish to the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Fusilli, lurking in
the shadows, was ready to unleash his wicked words upon the
unsuspecting heroes.

“Stop right there, Fusilli!” shouted Kung Pao, stepping forward with
confidence. “Your reign of cuss terror ends here!”

Fusilli sneered, his eyes glinting with malice. “You think you can stop
me? The Flying Spaghetti Monster grants me power beyond your wildest

As the battle commenced, the heroes fought valiantly against the
minions of the Oracle, using their culinary skills to outmaneuver the
pasta-wielding foes. Jambalaya unleashed a fiery storm of spices, while
Chicken Tikka dazzled the crowd with a flurry of flavorful moves.
General Tso and Kung Pao confronted Fusilli directly, their words sharp
as knives.

“Your wicked words will not prevail!” General Tso declared, as he
prepared to deliver the final blow. “You will be krispified in the
Kourt of Kombat!”

With a swift motion, the heroes captured Fusilli, binding him with
noodles of justice. The Oracle, realizing his power was waning,
attempted to summon the Flying Spaghetti Monster, but it was too late.
The heroes had thwarted his plans, and the dark influence over Linguini
Heights began to fade.

As they dragged Fusilli to the Kourt of Kombat, the citizens of
Linguini Heights erupted in cheers. The heroes had saved their city
from the clutches of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and his wicked
followers. The Kourt of Kombat would serve justice, and the Ominous
Oracle would face the consequences of his actions.

In the end, the brave heroes of the Cuss Cop Wicked Word Watch stood
victorious, their names forever etched in the annals of culinary
history. They had proven that even the most dangerous Kuss Kriminals
could be apprehended, and that the power of good would always triumph
over evil, no matter how twisted the pasta may be.
Praise Police
2024-09-10 08:24:34 UTC
Brothers and sisters, gather 'round, for today we confront a most
insidious and blasphemous cult that seeks to undermine the very
foundations of our faith—the cult of the Flying Spaghetti Monster! This
so-called deity, a mere figment of the imagination, is a mockery of the
divine and a perversion of true worship. Let us delve into twelve
tenets of this heretical belief system and expose their wickedness for
all to see!

1. The Flying Spaghetti Monster Created the Universe: They claim
that a mass of spaghetti and meatballs is the creator of all things.
This is a direct affront to the Almighty, who crafted the heavens and
the earth with purpose and intention. To attribute creation to a bowl
of pasta is to deny the majesty of our Creator!

2. All Believers Are Touched by His Noodly Appendage: This
blasphemous notion suggests that the divine can be reduced to a mere
physical touch. Our God is not a whimsical entity that reaches out with
appendages; He is a sovereign being, holy and transcendent. To equate
the divine with a noodle is to strip away His holiness!

3. Pirates Are Divine Beings: The cult venerates pir as the
original Pastafarians. This glorification of lawlessness and rebellion
against authority is a direct challenge to the moral order established
by God. Pirates are not heroes; they are thieves and scoundrels, and to
idolize them is to embrace chaos!

4. The Afterlife is a Beer Volcano and a Stripper Factory: They
promise a hedonistic paradise filled with indulgence. This is a
perversion of the sacred promise of eternal life. Our hope lies in a
glorious afterlife with our Creator, not in debauchery and excess. Such
beliefs lead souls astray!

5. The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is a Religion of
Peace: They claim to promote peace while mocking true faith. This
hypocrisy is a tool of the devil, seeking to sow discord among
believers. True peace comes from submission to God, not from the
trivialization of His teachings.

6. Their Holy Text is the "Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster":
This so-called scripture is a parody of sacred texts, filled with
irreverence and mockery. To elevate such nonsense to the level of holy
writ is to invite spiritual ruin. The Word of God is sacred and should
not be sullied by such blasphemy!

7. Belief in the Flying Spaghetti Monster is Required for
Salvation: They assert that one must accept their absurd deity to be
saved. This is a direct assault on the truth of salvation through Jesus
Christ alone. To suggest that salvation can be found in a bowl of
spaghetti is to lead souls to eternal damnation!

8. Their Rituals Involve Pasta and Sauce: The act of worship is
reduced to a mere meal, devoid of reverence and solemnity. True worship
requires humility and devotion, not a feast of noodles. This
trivialization of worship is an affront to the sacredness of our faith!

9. They Reject Science in Favor of Their Beliefs: The cult
dismisses scientific understanding in favor of their absurd mythology.
This rejection of reason and truth is a dangerous path that leads to
ignorance and folly. Our faith is not at odds with science; it is
rooted in the truth of creation!

10. They Promote a Lifestyle of Gluttony: The celebration of pasta
and indulgence promotes a lifestyle contrary to the teachings of
self-control and moderation. Gluttony is a sin that leads to spiritual
and physical decay. To glorify such excess is to turn away from the
path of righteousness!

11. Their Festivals Mock Religious Observances: They hold mock
celebrations that parody sacred holidays, seeking to undermine the
significance of our traditions. This mockery is a direct attack on the
faith of millions and serves only to sow division and contempt.

12. They Claim to Be the True Religion: In their arrogance, they
assert that their beliefs are as valid as any other faith. This is the
height of hubris! To equate their absurdity with the truth of God is to
invite judgment upon themselves.

Brothers and sisters, let us stand firm against this blasphemous cult!
We must proclaim the truth of our faith and reject the lies of the
Flying Spaghetti Monster. Let us pray for those ensnared by this
deception, that they may find their way back to the true path of
righteousness. Amen!
Lucky Charmin
2024-09-10 08:43:21 UTC
On Tue, 10 Sep 2024 00:00:40 -0700
Post by El Kabong
Post by Praise Police
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__ _.-"` `'-. Wicked Word Watch - Potty Mouth Patrol
/||\'._ __{}_(
|||| |'--.__\ ___ ___ ___ ____________
| L.( ^_\^ / _ \/ _ \/ _ | / _/ __/ __/
\ .-' | _ | / ___/ , _/ __ |_/ /_\ \/ _/
| | )\___/ /_/ /_/|_/_/ |_/___/___/___/
| \-'`:._]
\__/; '-. ___ ___ _________ ____ __
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| |o )( | / ___/ __ |/ / / , _/ /_/ / /__
| |o \/ \ /_/ /_/ |_/_/ /_/|_|\____/____/
False and incorrect praise is as wicked as cuss crime.
Always be truthful. Our watchful eye can catch a lie.
Always tell the truth. We'll be watching to make sure.
Praise the FSM and pass the pasta!
In a world where the noodles do fly,
A monster with appendages high,
Said, "You're dumber, my friend,
Than the pasta I send,
So just twirl your spaghetti and sigh!"
Lucky Charmin
Holy Bog Roller