Christ Rose
2025-01-15 01:11:05 UTC
Revelation 22 concludes the Bible with the promise of restored paradise,
eternal blessings for the righteous, and Christ’s imminent return. The
river of life flows from God’s throne, bringing peace and purity (verse
1). The tree of life, yielding fruit in every season, assures you of
God’s unending provision and eternal health (verse 2). Sin’s curse is
removed, and you are invited to live in His perfect presence, serving
Him with joy and intimacy (verses 3-5). Christ’s exhortation to prepare
underscores the urgency of obedience, worship, and sharing the gospel
(verses 6-21).
You should prepare for Christ’s return.
Because God provides eternal blessings (verses 1-5).
The river of life symbolizes God’s sustaining presence, flowing directly
from His throne. This pure, life-giving water represents the fulfillment
of all His promises to you as His child. The tree of life, now
accessible to believers, assures you of God’s provision and care for
eternity. Its fruit for every season and leaves for healing signify
perfect health and abundant life. These blessings underscore the beauty
of serving God in a world free from sin and sorrow. You should prepare
for Christ’s return because He offers this perfect, eternal existence to
those who trust Him.
Because God warns against complacency (verses 6-11).
Christ’s words in verse 7 call you to keep the prophecy of this book,
emphasizing readiness. The angel confirms the truth of these words,
reminding you that prophecy demands action. Verse 11 starkly contrasts
the fates of the righteous and the wicked, highlighting that choices
made now carry eternal consequences. God’s warning is not an invitation
to despair but a call to perseverance. You should prepare for Christ’s
return by remaining vigilant, pursuing holiness, and rejecting the
complacency of the world.
Because Christ rewards the righteous (verses 12-15).
Christ declares in verse 12 that He is coming soon to repay everyone
according to their works. As the Alpha and Omega, He holds ultimate
authority to judge and reward. Verse 14 assures blessings for those who
wash their robes, symbolizing purification through His blood. In
contrast, verse 15 excludes the wicked, emphasizing that salvation is
for those who respond to His grace. This reminder should stir your heart
to evaluate your life, knowing that His judgment is perfect and His
reward is eternal. Prepare for Christ’s return by embracing His
righteousness and rejecting sin.
Because God offers you salvation (verses 16-17).
Christ invites you to come and take the water of life without cost
(verse 17). This call, extended through the Spirit and the bride, is an
open invitation to anyone who thirsts for salvation. It is a message of
hope and grace, reminding you that Christ’s sacrifice has secured your
place in eternity. You are urged not only to respond but also to share
this invitation with others. Preparing for Christ’s return means
accepting His free gift of salvation and leading others to do the same.
Because God preserves His Word (verses 18-19).
God warns against altering His Word, emphasizing its sufficiency and
authority. Adding to or taking from the prophecy invites judgment,
highlighting the need to trust and obey His revelation. This call to
reverence should lead you to treasure Scripture as God’s unchanging
truth. Preparing for Christ’s return involves studying His Word, obeying
its commands, and guarding its purity against false teachings.
Because Christ assures His return (verses 20-21).
Christ’s final promise, “Surely I am coming soon,” offers hope and
urgency. John’s response, “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” reflects the
believer’s longing for His return. The benediction in verse 21 reassures
you of God’s grace, encouraging you to live in readiness and
anticipation. You should prepare for Christ’s return by aligning your
life with this hope, focusing on eternal priorities rather than
temporary distractions.
The final words of Revelation ring with both warning and hope. They are
not mere echoes of an ancient text; they are the living voice of God
calling you to action today. My friend, Revelation 22 paints a glorious
picture of paradise restored—a place where the curse of sin is no more,
where God Himself dwells with His people, and where eternal blessings
flow like a river from His throne. But this chapter also issues a solemn
warning: without Christ, you are forever shut out of this glory.
Do you not hear the urgency in the words, “Behold, I am coming soon”
(verse 12)? Christ’s return is certain, and with it comes both reward
and judgment. If you stand outside His grace, you stand condemned
already. The list of those excluded from His holy city—those who love
lies, cling to idols, and embrace sin—reflects the condition of every
sinner apart from the saving work of Jesus Christ. Do not deceive
yourself into thinking you can delay your response. The time is near,
and the choices you make now will determine your eternal destiny.
But hear me: the same God who warns of judgment also invites you to
life. His words are full of grace: “Let the one who is thirsty come; let
the one who desires take the water of life without price” (verse 17).
What mercy is this! You who have spent your life laboring for
satisfaction in empty pursuits, come and drink freely from the fountain
of eternal life. There is no price you can pay, for Christ has paid it
all. He bore your sin on the cross, dying in your place, and He rose
again to give you life. His death was no mere gesture; it was a
substitutionary atonement, fully satisfying God’s righteous demands for
your sin.
Will you not come? Do you not see the kindness of the Savior, His arms
outstretched, His voice calling, “Come”? Turn from your sin, my friend.
Change your mind about your rebellion against God. Trust wholly in
Christ, who alone can save. Call upon His name, and He will not cast you
out. There is no other refuge from the storm of God’s wrath, but in
Christ, there is peace, forgiveness, and eternal joy.
Believers, Revelation 22 also speaks to you. The river of life and the
tree of life call you to marvel at the abundance of God’s grace. Are you
living in light of eternity? Are you praying for the lost, interceding
with fervor, and sharing the gospel with boldness? The time is short,
and the fields are white for harvest. Do not grow weary in doing good,
for the reward is coming. The promises of this chapter are yours—eternal
communion with God, joy in His presence, and the privilege of reigning
with Him forever.
Let us live with purpose, my friends. Let us pray with passion, worship
with awe, and proclaim with urgency, “Come, Lord Jesus!” Until He comes,
may we hold fast to His Word, shine as lights in this dark world, and
labor with joy for His glory. Amen.
Have you heard the good news Christ died for our sins (†), and God
raised Him from the dead?
That Christ died for our sins shows we're sinners who deserve the death
penalty. That God raised Him from the dead shows Christ's death
satisfied God's righteous demands against our sin (Romans 3:25; 1 John
2:1-2). This means God can now remain just, while forgiving you of your
sins, and saving you from eternal damnation.
On the basis of Christ's death and resurrection for our sins, call on
the name of the Lord to save you: "For 'everyone who calls on the name
of the Lord will be saved'" (Romans 10:13, ESV).