Remember Pella
(too old to reply)
Pastor Dave
2007-10-22 22:46:24 UTC
Remember Pella,
by Nathan DuBois

I can think of no more encouraging phrase to say to
one of my brothers or sisters than to "remember Pella".
In the surrounding of Jerusalem in AD 66, faithful
Christians who remembered the words of Christ in
Luke 21:20-22, fled the city of Jerusalem just in time
to escape the destruction.

Though under publicized, this fulfillment of prophecy in
the first century was extremely significant. It signaled
the on time, on target, parousia of Christ.

Some might ask why the flight of Christians from a city
doomed to destruction, with nothing on their backs or
in their possession other than the clothes they wore,
could encourage a fellow believer. What can cause
the plight of a few to uplift the hearts of the many
today? The answer is "fulfilled faith".

Experiencing the fulfillment of your hopes and desires,
to its utmost capacity, has got to be the most rewarding,
joyful, encouraging experience that a person can go through.
The Christians who fled to Pella were not simply running
for their lives. Approximately 37 years removed from
the blessed sermons of their Lord, Christ Jesus, these
people were holding onto a faith that had been attacked,
persecuted, and doubted throughout the entire Roman world.
Though the Christian faith kept growing, the Christians of
Jewish decent living in the capitol city of Jerusalem, were
faced with the daily torment of the temple, its laws, and
its leaders who sought their lives.

Their battle was not just against the men who sought
to kill them physically, but it was a matter of the heart.
They needed to keep the faith that their Messiah fulfilled
the law, and would soon come to destroy those who
held the law above God. The zealous Jews who wanted
the death of these few, held the power. To get caught up
in the anti-Roman, pro-law wave that was sweeping over
Jerusalem in the mid first century would lead to their ruin.
It would lead to apostasy. The survival of these Christians,
and even Christianity, rested in the faithfulness of Christ
to do what He said, when He said He would do it
(Matt 23:31-38, Matt 24-25, Luke 21, Matt 16:27-28).
He MUST prove faithful.

So again, imagine your faith being justified, vindicated,
and carried out right before your eyes. You may leave with
nothing, you might have had even the closest relatives leave
the faith and get swept up in the Zionist rebellion, but you
have your very soul vindicated. Christ destroyed the wicked
in fire in AD 70, while you observed this vindication, and
showed to the entire world once and for all that the law
held no power. The man who proclaimed Himself as the
Son of God was for real, His victory was complete, and
His word was true. He really IS the resurrection and
the life. He really DID crush the head of satan and defeat
death. Everything He said MUST be true, because his
prophecy of His return did occur how and when He said
it would. You have life now. You have salvation. It is not
a hope waited for, it is a hope realized. It is not a faith
unseen, but a fact very much observed.

So if you are around a few joyful, confident Christians,
and they say to you "remember Pella," then you know
they have a faith that is unshaken. They have closed
their eyes and imagined being the most destitute,
richest men in the world. They have envisioned themselves
running out of a doomed city into the hills, with no money,
food, or earthly hope, and witnessing the salvation of their
souls, and the defeat of death. They truly were the
happiest people to ever live on the face of this earth.

So when your debts get you down, your relationships take
a sour turn, a loved one dies, your car dies, your hope
fades...remember Pella. You cannot be any worse off in
the physical realm concerning temporal things than those
Christian, but you are every bit as qualified to rejoice.
You too have a fulfilled hope, a factual faith. You are not
waiting for a salvation that is nearer than when you first
believed, it is already accomplished. Death is powerless,
the law is dead and grace abounds. When life gets you
down, close your eyes, envision crossing the Jordan
with nothing, yet being able to soar above the clouds
with unbridled joy, because your Lord IS God, and
He has proven Himself faithful, and the gates of hell not
only cannot prevail against you, they do not exist for you.
If you wouldn't say it in person, why say it online?

To email me, just remove the underscores.
Chuck Stamford
2007-10-23 05:04:15 UTC
Post by Pastor Dave
Remember Pella,
by Nathan DuBois
I can think of no more encouraging phrase to say to
one of my brothers or sisters than to "remember Pella".
In the surrounding of Jerusalem in AD 66, faithful
Christians who remembered the words of Christ in
Luke 21:20-22, fled the city of Jerusalem just in time
to escape the destruction.
Though under publicized, this fulfillment of prophecy in
the first century was extremely significant. It signaled
the on time, on target, parousia of Christ.
Some might ask why the flight of Christians from a city
doomed to destruction, with nothing on their backs or
in their possession other than the clothes they wore,
could encourage a fellow believer.
Dave, any nutball who can get past the glaring contradiction in seeing in
the flight of a few Jewish Christians the "parousia" spelled out so clearly
and graphically in Scripture for us certainly won't wonder why their flight
from the Roman seige should be an encouragement for the modern believer. In
fact, anyone that brain dead has probably lost the ability to "wonder" a
long time ago, along with virtually all of their other cognitive
faculties....except, of course, the ability to blather, which strangely
enough ususally becomes much more pronounced.

The interesting thing here is that in the ancient Hittite language of
Ugarkowitz, ca. 1861 BC, the word for brain dead was "prytirus" (and was
apparently used as a label of sorts for those who were constantly making up
stupid stories), which in the Gaelic, ca. Feb. 12th, 418, became "portarist"
(i.e., a perveyor of lies), and in 16th cent. England became "pretard" (on
common parlance, an "extremely bad liar who gets real mad when anyone
notices), which of course we all known today as "preterist", the name by
which these unfortunate brain zombie blatherers are known to us today.

Chuck Stamford
Pastor Dave
2007-10-23 08:53:07 UTC
On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 22:04:15 -0700, "Chuck Stamford"
Post by Chuck Stamford
Post by Pastor Dave
Remember Pella,
by Nathan DuBois
I can think of no more encouraging phrase to say to
one of my brothers or sisters than to "remember Pella".
In the surrounding of Jerusalem in AD 66, faithful
Christians who remembered the words of Christ in
Luke 21:20-22, fled the city of Jerusalem just in time
to escape the destruction.
Though under publicized, this fulfillment of prophecy in
the first century was extremely significant. It signaled
the on time, on target, parousia of Christ.
Some might ask why the flight of Christians from a city
doomed to destruction, with nothing on their backs or
in their possession other than the clothes they wore,
could encourage a fellow believer.
Dave, any nutball who can get past the glaring contradiction in seeing in
the flight of a few Jewish Christians the "parousia" spelled out so clearly
and graphically in Scripture for us certainly won't wonder why their flight
from the Roman seige should be an encouragement for the modern believer. In
fact, anyone that brain dead has probably lost the ability to "wonder" a
long time ago, along with virtually all of their other cognitive
faculties....except, of course, the ability to blather, which strangely
enough ususally becomes much more pronounced.
The interesting thing here is that in the ancient Hittite language of
Ugarkowitz, ca. 1861 BC, the word for brain dead was "prytirus" (and was
apparently used as a label of sorts for those who were constantly making up
stupid stories), which in the Gaelic, ca. Feb. 12th, 418, became "portarist"
(i.e., a perveyor of lies), and in 16th cent. England became "pretard" (on
common parlance, an "extremely bad liar who gets real mad when anyone
notices), which of course we all known today as "preterist", the name by
which these unfortunate brain zombie blatherers are known to us today.
Chuck Stamford
As usual, all you have is a personal attack.

Fact: Jesus warned them.

Fact: They fled.

Fact: They believed it was His return,
which is why they fled.

But hey Chuck, as you seem to believe,
you must know better what He said,
than those who walked with Him.
If you wouldn't say it in person, why say it online?

To email me, just remove the underscores.
Chuck Stamford
2007-10-23 09:31:29 UTC
Post by Pastor Dave
On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 22:04:15 -0700, "Chuck Stamford"
Post by Chuck Stamford
Post by Pastor Dave
Remember Pella,
by Nathan DuBois
I can think of no more encouraging phrase to say to
one of my brothers or sisters than to "remember Pella".
In the surrounding of Jerusalem in AD 66, faithful
Christians who remembered the words of Christ in
Luke 21:20-22, fled the city of Jerusalem just in time
to escape the destruction.
Though under publicized, this fulfillment of prophecy in
the first century was extremely significant. It signaled
the on time, on target, parousia of Christ.
Some might ask why the flight of Christians from a city
doomed to destruction, with nothing on their backs or
in their possession other than the clothes they wore,
could encourage a fellow believer.
Dave, any nutball who can get past the glaring contradiction in seeing in
the flight of a few Jewish Christians the "parousia" spelled out so clearly
and graphically in Scripture for us certainly won't wonder why their flight
from the Roman seige should be an encouragement for the modern believer.
fact, anyone that brain dead has probably lost the ability to "wonder" a
long time ago, along with virtually all of their other cognitive
faculties....except, of course, the ability to blather, which strangely
enough ususally becomes much more pronounced.
The interesting thing here is that in the ancient Hittite language of
Ugarkowitz, ca. 1861 BC, the word for brain dead was "prytirus" (and was
apparently used as a label of sorts for those who were constantly making up
stupid stories), which in the Gaelic, ca. Feb. 12th, 418, became "portarist"
(i.e., a perveyor of lies), and in 16th cent. England became "pretard" (on
common parlance, an "extremely bad liar who gets real mad when anyone
notices), which of course we all known today as "preterist", the name by
which these unfortunate brain zombie blatherers are known to us today.
Chuck Stamford
As usual, all you have is a personal attack.
Don't blame me! I'm not forcing you to be a moronic preterist. You're
doing that all by yourself, and you can repent anytime.
Post by Pastor Dave
Fact: Jesus warned them.
Fact: They fled.
Fact: They believed it was His return,
which is why they fled.
Dave, come on! We know Jesus warned them, because we can read his words as
he does that, so that is appropriately termed "fact". Likewise, we have
some fairly reliable historical data to support the theory there were some
Jewish Christians who heeded Jesus' warning and fled away from Jerusalem
instead of into it, as would be more common for the times in that situation.
This is not as "solid" as the fact of Jesus' warning, but it's fairly well
supported, so we could go out on a medium sized limb and call this "fact" as

But when we get to what these folks believed or had in mind as they fled, or
used to come to the decision "Feet don't fail me now!", what do we have to
rely upon as evidence? You saying it? Sorry, but it takes a lot more than
that to turn a notion into a "fact".

Look, Dave, I'm not being unreasonable here. Jesus warned them that when
they saw the army approaching Jerusalem don't even go back into the house to
grab a coat; just hit it! They looked one day and saw the Roman army
approaching in the distance. And you want to say they ran because they
believed it was his return? Why would they have to run if Jesus was
returning, Dave? Scripture tells us when he returns he will put down all
authority and power but his own. If they saw that army, and thought it
meant Jesus was returning to Jerusalem from Heaven to put down all power and
authority save his own, wouldn't they have run up on the wall to get a good
view of what was about to happen, instead of out the gates as fast as their
feet could carry them?

Chuck Stamford
Pastor Dave
2007-10-24 13:05:06 UTC
On Tue, 23 Oct 2007 02:31:29 -0700, "Chuck Stamford"
Post by Chuck Stamford
Post by Pastor Dave
On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 22:04:15 -0700, "Chuck Stamford"
Post by Chuck Stamford
Post by Pastor Dave
Remember Pella,
by Nathan DuBois
I can think of no more encouraging phrase to say to
one of my brothers or sisters than to "remember Pella".
In the surrounding of Jerusalem in AD 66, faithful
Christians who remembered the words of Christ in
Luke 21:20-22, fled the city of Jerusalem just in time
to escape the destruction.
Though under publicized, this fulfillment of prophecy in
the first century was extremely significant. It signaled
the on time, on target, parousia of Christ.
Some might ask why the flight of Christians from a city
doomed to destruction, with nothing on their backs or
in their possession other than the clothes they wore,
could encourage a fellow believer.
Dave, any nutball who can get past the glaring contradiction in seeing in
the flight of a few Jewish Christians the "parousia" spelled out so clearly
and graphically in Scripture for us certainly won't wonder why their flight
from the Roman seige should be an encouragement for the modern believer.
fact, anyone that brain dead has probably lost the ability to "wonder" a
long time ago, along with virtually all of their other cognitive
faculties....except, of course, the ability to blather, which strangely
enough ususally becomes much more pronounced.
The interesting thing here is that in the ancient Hittite language of
Ugarkowitz, ca. 1861 BC, the word for brain dead was "prytirus" (and was
apparently used as a label of sorts for those who were constantly making up
stupid stories), which in the Gaelic, ca. Feb. 12th, 418, became "portarist"
(i.e., a perveyor of lies), and in 16th cent. England became "pretard" (on
common parlance, an "extremely bad liar who gets real mad when anyone
notices), which of course we all known today as "preterist", the name by
which these unfortunate brain zombie blatherers are known to us today.
Chuck Stamford
As usual, all you have is a personal attack.
Don't blame me!
Don't blame you for your personal attack? Right!
Post by Chuck Stamford
I'm not forcing you to be a moronic preterist. You're
doing that all by yourself, and you can repent anytime.
Another personal attack.
Post by Chuck Stamford
Post by Pastor Dave
Fact: Jesus warned them.
Fact: They fled.
Fact: They believed it was His return,
which is why they fled.
Dave, come on!
These are historical facts. You don't like that,
which is obvious. But they are historical facts.
Whining won't change that.
Post by Chuck Stamford
Look, Dave, I'm not being unreasonable here.
I'll let your statement tell it's own hypocritical tale.
It doesn't need my help.

And why did you snip the following statement,
Chuck? It wouldn't be because you saw the
ego and arrogance of your claim, would it?

But hey Chuck, as you seem to believe,
you must know better what He said,
than those who walked with Him.
If you wouldn't say it in person, why say it online?

To email me, just remove the underscores.
Chuck Stamford
2007-10-24 18:10:18 UTC
This post might be inappropriate. Click to display it.
Pastor Dave
2007-10-24 18:57:39 UTC
On Wed, 24 Oct 2007 11:10:18 -0700, "Chuck Stamford"
Post by Chuck Stamford
Post by Pastor Dave
Post by Chuck Stamford
I'm not forcing you to be a moronic preterist. You're
doing that all by yourself, and you can repent anytime.
Another personal attack.
Dave's definition of "personal attack": Noting out loud, or in any other
fashion acting upon the belief that you have seen something occur.
If it wasn't a personal attack, then why is it,
that when I pointed out that you attacked me,
that your response was, "Don't blame me!" ???

You admitted that it was a personal attack
and now when it's pointed out to you that
your next personal attack wasn't an answer,
you wish to claim that I'm being unreasonable
for calling it what it is.
Post by Chuck Stamford
Post by Pastor Dave
Post by Chuck Stamford
Post by Pastor Dave
Fact: Jesus warned them.
Fact: They fled.
Fact: They believed it was His return,
which is why they fled.
Dave, come on!
These are historical facts. You don't like that,
which is obvious. But they are historical facts.
Whining won't change that.
The first two are historical facts.
Right. You know that, huh?

I won't even bother proving it to you,
because the last time I provided ancient
writings that proved my case, you claimed
you weren't seeing what you were seeing
and then ran away.
Post by Chuck Stamford
Post by Pastor Dave
Post by Chuck Stamford
Look, Dave, I'm not being unreasonable here.
I'll let your statement tell it's own hypocritical tale.
It doesn't need my help.
You snipped my statement.
Oh, you mean like you snipped mine and then
said the above and now complain that what
came after it was snipped?

Does the word, "hypocrisy" mean anything to you?
Post by Chuck Stamford
Post by Pastor Dave
And why did you snip the following statement,
Chuck? It wouldn't be because you saw the
ego and arrogance of your claim, would it?
But hey Chuck, as you seem to believe,
you must know better what He said,
than those who walked with Him.
I snipped this stupid remark because it's
a) stupid, and
b) isn't relevant to anything either of us wrote.
Yes it was. You try to change the subject and then
claim that what I said wasn't relevant.

And this is just another personal attack on your part
and therefore, I have no interest in what comes after it,
which btw Chuck, had nothing to do with Pella and was
merely a long winded attack on my belief system and
on me personally. And anyone who wishes to verify
that, can look one message back in the thread.

I will say in response to your diatribe, just to prove
what a liar you are, the following...
Post by Chuck Stamford
Now I couldn't care less that you want to SPECULATE
You see Chuck, this is where you try to pretend that
what I said is just speculation (and even put it in caps),
so that it seems like I just posted some wild fantasy.
But the fact is, that it is historical fact and the reason
they fled is recorded in history. It is clear that you
don't like that, but that is your problem.

And as I said...

I won't even bother proving it to you, because the last
time I provided ancient writings that proved my case,
you claimed you weren't seeing what you were seeing
and then ran away.

Thus, you have proved that there is surely no point in
discussing anything with you. You are a proven liar!
If you wouldn't say it in person, why say it online?

To email me, just remove the underscores.
Chuck Stamford
2007-10-24 19:42:48 UTC
Post by Pastor Dave
On Wed, 24 Oct 2007 11:10:18 -0700, "Chuck Stamford"
Post by Chuck Stamford
Post by Pastor Dave
Post by Chuck Stamford
I'm not forcing you to be a moronic preterist. You're
doing that all by yourself, and you can repent anytime.
Another personal attack.
Dave's definition of "personal attack": Noting out loud, or in any other
fashion acting upon the belief that you have seen something occur.
If it wasn't a personal attack
It wasn't a personal attack. It was my personal observation of the facts
you present to me.
Post by Pastor Dave
Post by Chuck Stamford
Post by Pastor Dave
Post by Chuck Stamford
Post by Pastor Dave
Fact: Jesus warned them.
Fact: They fled.
Fact: They believed it was His return,
which is why they fled.
Dave, come on!
These are historical facts. You don't like that,
which is obvious. But they are historical facts.
Whining won't change that.
The first two are historical facts.
Right. You know that, huh?
I won't even bother proving it to you,
because the last time I provided ancient
writings that proved my case, you claimed
you weren't seeing what you were seeing
and then ran away.
I just SAID they were historical facts, Dave, why would you want to "prove"
to me what I've already stipulated to?

You are simply unreal, and getting worse all the time.
Post by Pastor Dave
Post by Chuck Stamford
Post by Pastor Dave
Post by Chuck Stamford
Look, Dave, I'm not being unreasonable here.
I'll let your statement tell it's own hypocritical tale.
It doesn't need my help.
You snipped my statement.
Oh, you mean like you snipped mine
I snipped yours because I IGNORED yours. You snipped mine after saying
you'd let it "tell its tale", or some such rhetorical nonsense, and
characterizing it.

Let me explain something to you about being honest. I understand you need
all the help you can get with this very subtle concept, and I'm willing to
do what I can, as I have the opportunity. This is a good opportunity.

It's perfectly honest to ignore something someone says, and snipping it from
the response to the post in which it appears is simply another way of
ignoring it. But when you snip it AND THEN talk about it, you're both
"ignoring" it and not ignoring it, and we all know from the logical
principle of the excluded middle that one of those two propositions must be

So the rule for all honest people, constructed using impeccable logic, is if
you're going to react to a statement in a post in your reply to that post,
you LEAVE THE STATEMENT IN, and AS WRITTEN. If you're NOT going to interact
with the statement at all, then you're free to do what you want with it:
leave it in if you don't feel like cleaning up your reply before sending, or
snip it if you do.

You can see how that works, can't you? There's nothing diabolical about
snipping what I don't in some way interact with in your posts. But there is
a bit of larceny in snipping like you do. When you snip, you have to remain
SILENT about the content of what you snipped. You can't characterize, or
reconstruct, or display attitude. Nothing, nada, just like what's left
after you snip it. Got it now?
Post by Pastor Dave
Post by Chuck Stamford
Post by Pastor Dave
And why did you snip the following statement,
Chuck? It wouldn't be because you saw the
ego and arrogance of your claim, would it?
But hey Chuck, as you seem to believe,
you must know better what He said,
than those who walked with Him.
I snipped this stupid remark because it's
a) stupid, and
b) isn't relevant to anything either of us wrote.
Yes it was. You try to change the subject and then
claim that what I said wasn't relevant.
Get off it, Dave! Your response to me included this statement, which is
what I took exception to:

"Fact: They believed it was His return, which is why they fled."

Now I'll give you a chance to demonstrate you're not insane, don't think you
possess God-like knowledge of other's beliefs, and ALLOW you to recant this
nonsensical claim, but until you do, this IS the subject afaic. With you,
my subject is ALWAYS the first patently false statement you make with a
straight face that comes straight out of the Twilight Zone we've come to
know as your imagination.

Chuck Stamford
Pastor Dave
2007-10-25 08:30:14 UTC
On Wed, 24 Oct 2007 12:42:48 -0700, "Chuck Stamford"
Post by Chuck Stamford
Post by Pastor Dave
On Wed, 24 Oct 2007 11:10:18 -0700, "Chuck Stamford"
Post by Chuck Stamford
Post by Pastor Dave
Post by Chuck Stamford
I'm not forcing you to be a moronic preterist. You're
doing that all by yourself, and you can repent anytime.
Another personal attack.
Dave's definition of "personal attack": Noting out loud, or in any other
fashion acting upon the belief that you have seen something occur.
If it wasn't a personal attack
It wasn't a personal attack.
That's a lie.

<snip everything after lie>
If you wouldn't say it in person, why say it online?

To email me, just remove the underscores.
Chuck Stamford
2007-10-25 21:57:43 UTC
Post by Pastor Dave
On Wed, 24 Oct 2007 12:42:48 -0700, "Chuck Stamford"
Post by Chuck Stamford
Post by Pastor Dave
On Wed, 24 Oct 2007 11:10:18 -0700, "Chuck Stamford"
Post by Chuck Stamford
Post by Pastor Dave
Post by Chuck Stamford
I'm not forcing you to be a moronic preterist. You're
doing that all by yourself, and you can repent anytime.
Another personal attack.
Dave's definition of "personal attack": Noting out loud, or in any other
fashion acting upon the belief that you have seen something occur.
If it wasn't a personal attack
It wasn't a personal attack.
That's a lie.
<snip everything after lie>
You didn't think I could see that you snipped everything after lie? You had
to explain that in a parenthetical?? Sheeez! Why do I allow you to suck me
into even TALKING to you?
Pastor Dave
2007-10-26 11:21:44 UTC
On Thu, 25 Oct 2007 14:57:43 -0700, "Chuck Stamford"
Post by Pastor Dave
That's a lie.
<snip everything after lie>
<snip attack>
Why do I allow you to suck me into even TALKING to you?
You butted in and attacked me, moron!
"Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist.
Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy
tales tell children that dragons can be killed."
- G.K. Chesterton

To email me, just remove the underscores.