WOW signal explained?
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2024-08-29 15:40:42 UTC
zzz3For years many people have thought that the WOW signal was
possibly from extraterrestrials. But today they are not so sure.

Briefly, the WOW signal came from a radio astronomer in the 70's that
it had the earmarks of some kind of intelligence. (he wrote WOW in the
margins of his paper) But back then the technology wasn't as good as
today, so it left people wondering. Those hoping for proof of alien
contact had it to rely on. Now they are not so sure.

Now, scientists think they have cracked the code. It has to do with a
cold hydrogen cloud suddenly getting a burst of energy. And that is a
rare event.

So what does all of this have to do with the Bible? Well since the
Bible does not mention intelligent beings living on other planets,
etc, we can only speculate.

Because final judgments have not happened by God yet, it seems highly
UNLIKELY God would have started other life forms in our universe.

If they do exist, was there another Adam and Eve situation? Is there
another Jesus who died for them? Actually, logic seems to point to us
being alone in this vast physical universe. AND SO FAR THEY HAVEN'T

If evolution is the way it happened, it went nuts here on earth, with
over 5 billion life forms already extinct, plus what is around today.

"In 2022, it listed 2.16 million species on the planet."

Thus evolution was like rabbits, popping out babies one after the
other. If evolution is that prolific, WHY NOT EVEN MICROBOES HAVE BEEN
CREATED BY EVOLUTION on all the places we have visited?

What happened to evolution? Did it become infertile everywhere else
but here on earth?

But some might say, the conditions on other planets, etc, doesn't
favor harboring life. But that is a poor argument, since we have
extremophiles here on earth. (life under inhospitable conditions)

For examples, Notice:


Bacteria can thrive in even the most extreme environments. Bacteria
thriving in hot temperatures between temperatures of 41°C and 70°C are
called thermophiles temperatures. Examples of thermophilic bacteria
include: Thermus aquaticus and Bacillus stearothermophil. An example
of thermophilic archaea is Thermoplasma acidophilum."

Yet, we see none of that anywhere. Maybe the Bible is right after all.
Unless God creates it, it won't happen.

-- King James
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
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El Kabong
2024-08-29 19:51:29 UTC
Post by z***@windstream.net
zzz3For years many people have thought that the WOW signal was
possibly from extraterrestrials. But today they are not so sure.
Briefly, the WOW signal came from a radio astronomer in the 70's that
it had the earmarks of some kind of intelligence. (he wrote WOW in the
margins of his paper) But back then the technology wasn't as good as
today, so it left people wondering. Those hoping for proof of alien
contact had it to rely on. Now they are not so sure.
Now, scientists think they have cracked the code. It has to do with a
cold hydrogen cloud suddenly getting a burst of energy. And that is a
rare event.
So what does all of this have to do with the Bible? Well since the
Bible does not mention intelligent beings living on other planets,
etc, we can only speculate.
Because final judgments have not happened by God yet, it seems highly
UNLIKELY God would have started other life forms in our universe.
You are assuming that God has to judge all life forms at
the same time. How do you get that? Let alone assuming
the existence of God.
Post by z***@windstream.net
If they do exist, was there another Adam and Eve situation? Is there
another Jesus who died for them? Actually, logic seems to point to us
being alone in this vast physical universe. AND SO FAR THEY HAVEN'T
Because we haven't had a chance to look everywhere on
Mars for it.

Venus, the moon, Titan, and the astroid were never
expected to have life.

Did you expect any martian life forms would come up to
the Rover and introduce themselves? They would probably
be buried deep in the ground.
Post by z***@windstream.net
If evolution is the way it happened, it went nuts here on earth, with
over 5 billion life forms already extinct, plus what is around today.
"In 2022, it listed 2.16 million species on the planet."
Thus evolution was like rabbits, popping out babies one after the
other. If evolution is that prolific, WHY NOT EVEN MICROBOES HAVE BEEN
CREATED BY EVOLUTION on all the places we have visited?
What happened to evolution? Did it become infertile everywhere else
but here on earth?
But some might say, the conditions on other planets, etc, doesn't
favor harboring life. But that is a poor argument, since we have
extremophiles here on earth. (life under inhospitable conditions)
Conditions conducive to spawning life are not the same as
conditions that established life can adapt to.

You must know this already.
2024-08-31 00:33:51 UTC
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
zzz3For years many people have thought that the WOW signal was
possibly from extraterrestrials. But today they are not so sure.
Briefly, the WOW signal came from a radio astronomer in the 70's that
it had the earmarks of some kind of intelligence. (he wrote WOW in the
margins of his paper) But back then the technology wasn't as good as
today, so it left people wondering. Those hoping for proof of alien
contact had it to rely on. Now they are not so sure.
Now, scientists think they have cracked the code. It has to do with a
cold hydrogen cloud suddenly getting a burst of energy. And that is a
rare event.
So what does all of this have to do with the Bible? Well since the
Bible does not mention intelligent beings living on other planets,
etc, we can only speculate.
Because final judgments have not happened by God yet, it seems highly
UNLIKELY God would have started other life forms in our universe.
You are assuming that God has to judge all life forms at
the same time. How do you get that?
I never assumed that. It just makes logical sense to finish up here on
earth first, before creating more elsewhere.

It's like a man building his own house. He gets it 3/4 done, then
moves on to start something else. That would not be very efficient. So
please answer this question: WHAT HAPPENED TO EVOLUTION SO AS TO STOP
Post by El Kabong
Let alone assuming
the existence of God.
The Bible doesn't assume that, it speaks it as factual. Yes I know,
they haven't analyzed every inch of the planet. But as prolific as
evolution is, It failed miserally with ALL the places we visited in
the solar system.
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
If they do exist, was there another Adam and Eve situation? Is there
another Jesus who died for them? Actually, logic seems to point to us
being alone in this vast physical universe. AND SO FAR THEY HAVEN'T
Because we haven't had a chance to look everywhere on
Mars for it.
Here on earth, just about everywhere has life forms. If Martians
existed and landed here, all they would have to do is scoop up some
soil, and see multitudes of microscopic life. Notice:

"There are more living things in one teaspoon of soil than there are
people on the planet. One gram of soil can contain several billion
bacteria from thousands of different species. These range from
microscopic bacteria though to worms and ants. "

How many teaspoons of soil is found on the surface layers of the whole
earth? Then multiply that number by billions of life forms. I doubt if
such a number even has a name. And that's only land, what about all
the life forms in the oceans and rivers etc?

But now let's jump to Mars. Zero life forms at this time. Even in the
past, there is no record of such. And they did the soil test there,
and ziltch, past or present.

SO WHAT HAPPENED TO EVOLUTUION? It was spitting out life forms here
all over the place with all different kinds, not just one kind. It's
like a machine gun spitting out bullets. Yet there was no 'gun' on
Mars where we went, not even extremaphiles.
Post by El Kabong
Venus, the moon, Titan, and the astroid were never
expected to have life.
Did you expect any martian life forms would come up to
the Rover and introduce themselves? They would probably
be buried deep in the ground.
You are speculating. But the facts AT THE PRESENT TIME, show NO life
forms there, past and present.
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
If evolution is the way it happened, it went nuts here on earth, with
over 5 billion life forms already extinct, plus what is around today.
"In 2022, it listed 2.16 million species on the planet."
Thus evolution was like rabbits, popping out babies one after the
other. If evolution is that prolific, WHY NOT EVEN MICROBOES HAVE BEEN
CREATED BY EVOLUTION on all the places we have visited?
What happened to evolution? Did it become infertile everywhere else
but here on earth?
But some might say, the conditions on other planets, etc, doesn't
favor harboring life. But that is a poor argument, since we have
extremophiles here on earth. (life under inhospitable conditions)
Conditions conducive to spawning life are not the same as
conditions that established life can adapt to.
You must know this already.
Then why not even extremeaphiles there? The temperatures on Mars can
range from -225 F to 70 F. So there are temperatures there that can
support life.

Sincerely James.
Is the Bible too old
to be practical today?
Go to jw.org for
the Bible's answer.
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
El Kabong
2024-08-31 08:22:00 UTC
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
zzz3For years many people have thought that the WOW signal was
possibly from extraterrestrials. But today they are not so sure.
Briefly, the WOW signal came from a radio astronomer in the 70's that
it had the earmarks of some kind of intelligence. (he wrote WOW in the
margins of his paper) But back then the technology wasn't as good as
today, so it left people wondering. Those hoping for proof of alien
contact had it to rely on. Now they are not so sure.
Now, scientists think they have cracked the code. It has to do with a
cold hydrogen cloud suddenly getting a burst of energy. And that is a
rare event.
So what does all of this have to do with the Bible? Well since the
Bible does not mention intelligent beings living on other planets,
etc, we can only speculate.
Because final judgments have not happened by God yet, it seems highly
UNLIKELY God would have started other life forms in our universe.
You are assuming that God has to judge all life forms at
the same time. How do you get that?
I never assumed that.
You just did assume that.
Post by z***@windstream.net
It just makes logical sense to finish up here on
earth first, before creating more elsewhere.
It's like a man building his own house. He gets it 3/4 done, then
moves on to start something else. That would not be very efficient. So
I don't know why you assume that either. If you have a
garden, do you have to finish growing the tomatoes before
you start the cucumbers? Do gods lack the attention span
to run multiple biological experiments at once?
Post by z***@windstream.net
please answer this question: WHAT HAPPENED TO EVOLUTION SO AS TO STOP
I'm not sure where that came from. Perhaps you are
confusing evolution with abiogenesis?
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
If they do exist, was there another Adam and Eve situation? Is there
another Jesus who died for them? Actually, logic seems to point to us
being alone in this vast physical universe. AND SO FAR THEY HAVEN'T
Because we haven't had a chance to look everywhere on
Mars for it.
Here on earth, just about everywhere has life forms. If Martians
existed and landed here, all they would have to do is scoop up some

Mars is not the earth. Mars may have been hospitable for
life as we know it billions of years ago, but it isn't
now. What makes you think martian life, if it ever
existed, would be present in every teaspoon of soil?

<snip irrelevant stuff about earth soil>

James, you tend to run off into the weeds. Let's just
talk about one thing at a time, ok.
Post by z***@windstream.net
But now let's jump to Mars. Zero life forms at this time. Even in the
past, there is no record of such. And they did the soil test there,
and ziltch, past or present.
How do you know there's no life on mars? You are just
assuming that. Scientists don't know. It may take
centuries to find out conclusively.

No one but you has concluded that.

There have been chemical tests that might have found
life, if it were there. It was not found. That doesn't
at all mean it was determined that Mars is lifeless.
Post by z***@windstream.net
SO WHAT HAPPENED TO EVOLUTUION? It was spitting out life forms here

Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Venus, the moon, Titan, and the astroid were never
expected to have life.
Did you expect any martian life forms would come up to
the Rover and introduce themselves? They would probably
be buried deep in the ground.
You are speculating.
No. For a variety of reasons that are apparently lost on
you, the most likely place to find life on Mars today
would be deep underground. If you read anything about
current developments on the subject, you would know that.
Post by z***@windstream.net
But the facts AT THE PRESENT TIME, show NO life
forms there, past and present.
Again, scientists don't know that, and you certainly

<snip more irrelevant stuff about evolution>
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
But some might say, the conditions on other planets, etc, doesn't
favor harboring life. But that is a poor argument, since we have
extremophiles here on earth. (life under inhospitable conditions)
Again, you seem to ignore what I tried to point out to
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Conditions conducive to spawning life are not the same as
conditions that established life can adapt to.
You must know this already.
Do you understand what that means?

Extremophiles can survive boiling water. Does that mean
life could appear in boiling water? Not the same thing.

<snip more irrelevance>
2024-09-01 15:44:40 UTC
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
zzz3For years many people have thought that the WOW signal was
possibly from extraterrestrials. But today they are not so sure.
Briefly, the WOW signal came from a radio astronomer in the 70's that
it had the earmarks of some kind of intelligence. (he wrote WOW in the
margins of his paper) But back then the technology wasn't as good as
today, so it left people wondering. Those hoping for proof of alien
contact had it to rely on. Now they are not so sure.
Now, scientists think they have cracked the code. It has to do with a
cold hydrogen cloud suddenly getting a burst of energy. And that is a
rare event.
So what does all of this have to do with the Bible? Well since the
Bible does not mention intelligent beings living on other planets,
etc, we can only speculate.
Because final judgments have not happened by God yet, it seems highly
UNLIKELY God would have started other life forms in our universe.
You are assuming that God has to judge all life forms at
the same time. How do you get that?
I never assumed that.
You just did assume that.
Post by z***@windstream.net
It just makes logical sense to finish up here on
earth first, before creating more elsewhere.
It's like a man building his own house. He gets it 3/4 done, then
moves on to start something else. That would not be very efficient. So
I don't know why you assume that either. If you have a
garden, do you have to finish growing the tomatoes before
you start the cucumbers?

But you would not be running a test in your garden. If you run a test,
you get to the end in order to start another one etc.
Post by El Kabong
Do gods lack the attention span
to run multiple biological experiments at once?
Since gods don't really exist except in the minds of believers, the
question is moot.
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
please answer this question: WHAT HAPPENED TO EVOLUTION SO AS TO STOP
I'm not sure where that came from. Perhaps you are
confusing evolution with ?
Abiogenesis - Wikipedia

The study of abiogenesis aims to determine how pre-life chemical
reactions gave rise to life under conditions strikingly different from
those on Earth today. It primarily uses tools from...

Evolution - Wikipedia

Evolution is the change in the heritable characteristics of biological
populations over successive generations. It occurs when evolutionary
processes such as natural selection and...

So you are saying when a life form shows up for the first time, it is
abiogenesis, but once it is established, evolution.

You can give any definitions you want. The FACTS are some force has
created billions of life forms on the earth. From extreme conditions
to ideal conditions. Yet that same force is not present on other
places outside of the earth.

You are hoping that soon they will discover at least the remnants of
life in the past. But so far NOTHING; 'the heart monitor registers
ZERO'. Your 'hoping" does not change the present facts.
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
If they do exist, was there another Adam and Eve situation? Is there
another Jesus who died for them? Actually, logic seems to point to us
being alone in this vast physical universe. AND SO FAR THEY HAVEN'T
Because we haven't had a chance to look everywhere on
Mars for it.
Here on earth, just about everywhere has life forms. If Martians
existed and landed here, all they would have to do is scoop up some
Mars is not the earth. Mars may have been hospitable for
life as we know it billions of years ago, but it isn't
If that was so, then just like the earth, there should be some records
of it.
Post by El Kabong
What makes you think martian life, if it ever
existed, would be present in every teaspoon of soil?
Evolution. If is so powerfully pregnant so as to produce the billions
of life forces on this planet, what happened to it on Mars? Or even
our own moon? On ANY other heavenly body?
Post by El Kabong
<snip irrelevant stuff about earth soil>
James, you tend to run off into the weeds. Let's just
talk about one thing at a time, ok.
I thought we are; evolution.
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
But now let's jump to Mars. Zero life forms at this time. Even in the
past, there is no record of such. And they did the soil test there,
and ziltch, past or present.
How do you know there's no life on mars? You are just
assuming that. Scientists don't know. It may take
centuries to find out conclusively.
I am going by present day facts. How do you know in centuries it is
still a virgin planet? That is what the present evidence shows.
Post by El Kabong
No one but you has concluded that.
If it walks like a
Post by El Kabong
There have been chemical tests that might have found
life, if it were there. It was not found. That doesn't
at all mean it was determined that Mars is lifeless.
Post by z***@windstream.net
SO WHAT HAPPENED TO EVOLUTUION? It was spitting out life forms here
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Venus, the moon, Titan, and the astroid were never
expected to have life.
Did you expect any martian life forms would come up to
the Rover and introduce themselves? They would probably
be buried deep in the ground.
You are speculating.
No. For a variety of reasons that are apparently lost on
you, the most likely place to find life on Mars today
would be deep underground. If you read anything about
current developments on the subject, you would know that.
Then why not the same thing here on earth? Why didn't it EXPLODE on
Mars like it did here? You are talking about a mindless, brainless,
not conscience force that is able to produce life. It shouldn't care
where it is doing that.

Also, contrary to actual biological studies done, it takes mutations
as a POSITIVE trait. It produced all these 'machines' that function
good, from bacteria to whales.
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
But the facts AT THE PRESENT TIME, show NO life
forms there, past and present.
Again, scientists don't know that, and you certainly
Please read what I said again. At the PRESENT time the facts, the
recordings, the studies, the observations show other life forms
outside the earth as ZERO. That is a true statement.
Post by El Kabong
<snip more irrelevant stuff about evolution>
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
But some might say, the conditions on other planets, etc, doesn't
favor harboring life. But that is a poor argument, since we have
extremophiles here on earth. (life under inhospitable conditions)
Again, you seem to ignore what I tried to point out to
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Conditions conducive to spawning life are not the same as
conditions that established life can adapt to.
You must know this already.
Do you understand what that means?
Extremophiles can survive boiling water. Does that mean
life could appear in boiling water? Not the same thing.
Good point. But I don't see why it couldn't. If it has the machinery
to defy high temperatures in a liquid, it could have started out the
same way. And that appears to be what they say. Notice:

"People also ask
What is the origin of the extremophiles?
Extremophile | Definition, Types, Examples, & Facts | Britannica
The postulations that extreme environmental conditions existed on
primitive Earth and that life arose in hot environments have led to
the theory that extremophiles are vestiges of primordial organisms and
thus are models of ancient life. Extremophiles are also of research
importance in the field of astrobiology.Aug 20, 2024"

Sincerely James.
Is the Bible too old
to be practical today?
Go to jw.org for
the Bible's answer.
Post by El Kabong
<snip more irrelevance>
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
El Kabong
2024-09-01 23:25:22 UTC
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
zzz3For years many people have thought that the WOW signal was
possibly from extraterrestrials. But today they are not so sure.
Briefly, the WOW signal came from a radio astronomer in the 70's that
it had the earmarks of some kind of intelligence. (he wrote WOW in the
margins of his paper) But back then the technology wasn't as good as
today, so it left people wondering. Those hoping for proof of alien
contact had it to rely on. Now they are not so sure.
Now, scientists think they have cracked the code. It has to do with a
cold hydrogen cloud suddenly getting a burst of energy. And that is a
rare event.
So what does all of this have to do with the Bible? Well since the
Bible does not mention intelligent beings living on other planets,
etc, we can only speculate.
Because final judgments have not happened by God yet, it seems highly
UNLIKELY God would have started other life forms in our universe.
You are assuming that God has to judge all life forms at
the same time. How do you get that?
I never assumed that.
You just did assume that.
Post by z***@windstream.net
It just makes logical sense to finish up here on
earth first, before creating more elsewhere.
It's like a man building his own house. He gets it 3/4 done, then
moves on to start something else. That would not be very efficient. So
I don't know why you assume that either. If you have a
garden, do you have to finish growing the tomatoes before
you start the cucumbers?
But you would not be running a test in your garden. If you run a test,
you get to the end in order to start another one etc.
Good am/pm to you too.

You seem convinced life cannot exist on 2 planets at the
same time for reasons of faith. I am not so encumbered.
Was that your whole point, that the bible permits life to
only exist on 1 planet at a time?

Believe as you wish, but there is no valid scientific
reason for that.
Post by z***@windstream.net
Since gods don't really exist except in the minds of believers, the
question is moot.
Angels in heaven rejoice when someone accepts atheism.

Post by z***@windstream.net
So you are saying when a life form shows up for the first time, it is
abiogenesis, but once it is established, evolution.
You can give any definitions you want.
Words have meanings. If you make up your own, you may as
well be peeing into the wind. I don't need to repeat
what the dictionary (or wikipedia) says.
Post by z***@windstream.net
The FACTS are some force has
created billions of life forms on the earth. From extreme conditions
to ideal conditions.
Abiogenesis is a process, not a force.
Post by z***@windstream.net
Yet that same force is not present on other
places outside of the earth.
There's no reason abiogenesis couldn't happen somewhere,
whenever conditions are right. We think we have an idea
of what conditions are required, but that's bleeding-edge
science and subject to change.
Post by z***@windstream.net
You are hoping that soon they will discover at least the remnants of
life in the past. But so far NOTHING; 'the heart monitor registers
ZERO'. Your 'hoping" does not change the present facts.
You are assuming without reason that i hope one way or
the other.
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
<snip irrelevant stuff about earth soil>
<and yet again>
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
James, you tend to run off into the weeds. Let's just
talk about one thing at a time, ok.
I thought we are; evolution.
We are talking about the WOW signal, and whether
extra-terrestrial life can exist. See subject.

Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
No. For a variety of reasons that are apparently lost on
you, the most likely place to find life on Mars today
would be deep underground. If you read anything about
current developments on the subject, you would know that.
Then why not the same thing here on earth? Why didn't it EXPLODE on
Mars like it did here? You are talking about a mindless, brainless,
not conscience force that is able to produce life. It shouldn't care
where it is doing that.
Earth and Mars are not the same. Conditions are
different. Why do I have to point out the obvious to

Did conditions ever exist on mars for life to get
started? If so, did it actually happen? If so, does it
still exist? We don't yet know any of those answers.
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
But the facts AT THE PRESENT TIME, show NO life
forms there, past and present.
Again, scientists don't know that, and you certainly
Please read what I said again. At the PRESENT time the facts, the
recordings, the studies, the observations show other life forms
outside the earth as ZERO. That is a true statement.
I don't know what you're trying to say here. It sounds
like you are saying we have not found ET life, therefore
it doesn't exist anywhere. That would be false.

If you mean we haven't found anything yet, therefore we
don't know yet, that would be true.
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
<snip more irrelevant stuff about evolution>
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Extremophiles can survive boiling water. Does that mean
life could appear in boiling water? Not the same thing.
Good point. But I don't see why it couldn't. If it has the machinery
to defy high temperatures in a liquid, it could have started out the
Life is difficult to kick-start. No one has done it yet.
Boiling water is not ideal for forming nucleobases into
nucleosides, and amino acids into protein, and for lipids
to stick together.

You have to get some basic self-replicating molecules or
objects going first, then the adaptation process can
begin to fit available conditions. The first conditions
have to be accomodating and non-hostile, like the
conditions a newborn baby needs.

Your belief that life could originate on the moon as
easily as the earth is ridiculous.
Post by z***@windstream.net
"People also ask
What is the origin of the extremophiles?
Extremophile | Definition, Types, Examples, & Facts | Britannica
The postulations that extreme environmental conditions existed on
primitive Earth and that life arose in hot environments have led to
the theory that extremophiles are vestiges of primordial organisms and
thus are models of ancient life. Extremophiles are also of research
importance in the field of astrobiology.Aug 20, 2024"
That's one hypothesis, that life may have originated near
"black smoker" vents on the ocean floor. Water there is
hot, but not boiling, and rich in some chemicals.
2024-09-05 20:07:49 UTC
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
zzz3For years many people have thought that the WOW signal was
possibly from extraterrestrials. But today they are not so sure.
Briefly, the WOW signal came from a radio astronomer in the 70's that
it had the earmarks of some kind of intelligence. (he wrote WOW in the
margins of his paper) But back then the technology wasn't as good as
today, so it left people wondering. Those hoping for proof of alien
contact had it to rely on. Now they are not so sure.
Now, scientists think they have cracked the code. It has to do with a
cold hydrogen cloud suddenly getting a burst of energy. And that is a
rare event.
So what does all of this have to do with the Bible? Well since the
Bible does not mention intelligent beings living on other planets,
etc, we can only speculate.
Because final judgments have not happened by God yet, it seems highly
UNLIKELY God would have started other life forms in our universe.
You are assuming that God has to judge all life forms at
the same time. How do you get that?
I never assumed that.
You just did assume that.
Post by z***@windstream.net
It just makes logical sense to finish up here on
earth first, before creating more elsewhere.
It's like a man building his own house. He gets it 3/4 done, then
moves on to start something else. That would not be very efficient. So
I don't know why you assume that either. If you have a
garden, do you have to finish growing the tomatoes before
you start the cucumbers?
But you would not be running a test in your garden. If you run a test,
you get to the end in order to start another one etc.
Good am/pm to you too.
You seem convinced life cannot exist on 2 planets at the
same time for reasons of faith.
No, that is not what I am convinced of. If God is taken out of the
formula, and if life is found on another planet, life could exist on
zillions of planets and moons throughout the universe. And that would
PROBABLY mean that evolution was working.

Again, it is unlikely that God created new life elsewhere before the
testing is finished here on earth. But let me make it clear, the BIBLE
doesn't say one way or the other! I am just speculating.
Post by El Kabong
I am not so encumbered.
Was that your whole point, that the bible permits life to
only exist on 1 planet at a time?
No, but I speculate that the earth is the ONLY place to find life
forms at this time until all the tests have come to their completion

That would mean that we are alone in the physical universe at this
time. And so far, it's looking that way.
Post by El Kabong
Believe as you wish, but there is no valid scientific
reason for that.
If evolution is real, and it created billions of life forms here, but
not even a microbe exists elsewhere so far, the answer is leaning
towards the God situation, not the blind, deaf, and dumb force of
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Since gods don't really exist except in the minds of believers, the
question is moot.
Angels in heaven rejoice when someone accepts atheism.
Then they must have partied all day and night when Hitler came to
power. (:>)
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
So you are saying when a life form shows up for the first time, it is
abiogenesis, but once it is established, evolution.
You can give any definitions you want.
Words have meanings. If you make up your own, you may as
well be peeing into the wind.
Got to try that sometime.
Post by El Kabong
I don't need to repeat
what the dictionary (or wikipedia) says.
Post by z***@windstream.net
The FACTS are some force has
created billions of life forms on the earth. From extreme conditions
to ideal conditions.
Abiogenesis is a process, not a force.
If it came from non-living matter, I would call it a force and process
to produce DNA from non-living matter.
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Yet that same force is not present on other
places outside of the earth.
There's no reason abiogenesis couldn't happen somewhere,
whenever conditions are right. We think we have an idea
of what conditions are required, but that's bleeding-edge
science and subject to change.
Since the Bible said God created all the sciences, I am all for true
science. Evolution is not science, just like astrology, men interpret
it to say what they want.
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
You are hoping that soon they will discover at least the remnants of
life in the past. But so far NOTHING; 'the heart monitor registers
ZERO'. Your 'hoping" does not change the present facts.
You are assuming without reason that i hope one way or
the other.
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
<snip irrelevant stuff about earth soil>
<and yet again>
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
James, you tend to run off into the weeds. Let's just
talk about one thing at a time, ok.
I thought we are; evolution.
We are talking about the WOW signal, and whether
extra-terrestrial life can exist. See subject.
Evolution and extraterrestrials were very important to the now
defunct, WOW signal.
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
No. For a variety of reasons that are apparently lost on
you, the most likely place to find life on Mars today
would be deep underground. If you read anything about
current developments on the subject, you would know that.
Then why not the same thing here on earth? Why didn't it EXPLODE on
Mars like it did here? You are talking about a mindless, brainless,
not conscience force that is able to produce life. It shouldn't care
where it is doing that.
Earth and Mars are not the same. Conditions are
different. Why do I have to point out the obvious to
You are assuming they are completely different. They are not. Mars can
get up to 70 F. Evolution can then create a microscopic lifeform.
Next, the life form has millions of years to upgrade to battle the
cold conditions on Mars.

But sadly for many, there is no evidence for that. So for now,
it shows to us to be lifeless.
Post by El Kabong
Did conditions ever exist on mars for life to get
started? If so, did it actually happen? If so, does it
still exist? We don't yet know any of those answers.
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
But the facts AT THE PRESENT TIME, show NO life
forms there, past and present.
Again, scientists don't know that, and you certainly
Please read what I said again. At the PRESENT time the facts, the
recordings, the studies, the observations show other life forms
outside the earth as ZERO. That is a true statement.
I don't know what you're trying to say here. It sounds
like you are saying we have not found ET life, therefore
it doesn't exist anywhere. That would be false.
I agree. That statement would be false IF I SAID IT. Which I did not.
All I am giving you now are the facts as they stand. Period
Post by El Kabong
If you mean we haven't found anything yet, therefore we
don't know yet, that would be true.
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
<snip more irrelevant stuff about evolution>
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Extremophiles can survive boiling water. Does that mean
life could appear in boiling water? Not the same thing.
Good point. But I don't see why it couldn't. If it has the machinery
to defy high temperatures in a liquid, it could have started out the
Life is difficult to kick-start. No one has done it yet.
Boiling water is not ideal for forming nucleobases into
nucleosides, and amino acids into protein, and for lipids
to stick together.
You have to get some basic self-replicating molecules or
objects going first, then the adaptation process can
begin to fit available conditions. The first conditions
have to be accomodating and non-hostile, like the
conditions a newborn baby needs.
Your belief that life could originate on the moon as
easily as the earth is ridiculous.
I don't recall saying that. But we do have to keep one thing in mind.
Who says that evolution must conform to only earth-like conditions.
Supposedly it has this strange power to create LIFE. Scientists don't
know what life is, so they can't create it from non-life substances.
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
"People also ask
What is the origin of the extremophiles?
Extremophile | Definition, Types, Examples, & Facts | Britannica
The postulations that extreme environmental conditions existed on
primitive Earth and that life arose in hot environments have led to
the theory that extremophiles are vestiges of primordial organisms and
thus are models of ancient life. Extremophiles are also of research
importance in the field of astrobiology.Aug 20, 2024"
That's one hypothesis, that life may have originated near
"black smoker" vents on the ocean floor. Water there is
hot, but not boiling, and rich in some chemicals.
So, what is life? Does it just float in and evolution attaches it to
an object?
When it leaves a body, what has left?

Sincerely James.
Learn more about the
Bible with a free study.
Go to jw.org for
the free Bible study.
This email has been checked for viruses by AVG antivirus software.
El Kabong
2024-09-07 08:29:44 UTC
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
You are assuming that God has to judge all life forms at
the same time. How do you get that?
I never assumed that.
You just did assume that.
Post by z***@windstream.net
It just makes logical sense to finish up here on
earth first, before creating more elsewhere.
It's like a man building his own house. He gets it 3/4 done, then
moves on to start something else. That would not be very efficient. So
I don't know why you assume that either. If you have a
garden, do you have to finish growing the tomatoes before
you start the cucumbers?
But you would not be running a test in your garden. If you run a test,
you get to the end in order to start another one etc.
Good am/pm to you too.
You seem convinced life cannot exist on 2 planets at the
same time for reasons of faith.
No, that is not what I am convinced of. If God is taken out of the
formula, and if life is found on another planet, life could exist on
zillions of planets and moons throughout the universe. And that would
PROBABLY mean that evolution was working.
Again, it is unlikely that God created new life elsewhere before the
testing is finished here on earth. But let me make it clear, the BIBLE
doesn't say one way or the other! I am just speculating.
You are trying to inject God into a process that doesn't
require him.
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
I am not so encumbered.
Was that your whole point, that the bible permits life to
only exist on 1 planet at a time?
No, but I speculate that the earth is the ONLY place to find life
forms at this time until all the tests have come to their completion
That would mean that we are alone in the physical universe at this
time. And so far, it's looking that way.
This is only faith-based speculation, having nothing to
do with science.
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
So you are saying when a life form shows up for the first time, it is
abiogenesis, but once it is established, evolution.
You can give any definitions you want.
Words have meanings. If you make up your own, you may as
well be peeing into the wind.
Got to try that sometime.
Post by El Kabong
I don't need to repeat
what the dictionary (or wikipedia) says.
Post by z***@windstream.net
The FACTS are some force has
created billions of life forms on the earth. From extreme conditions
to ideal conditions.
Abiogenesis is a process, not a force.
If it came from non-living matter, I would call it a force and process
to produce DNA from non-living matter.
You are wrong on too many levels. You won't understand,
but for the record:

Force means mass times acceleration, measured in newtons
or pounds. How many pounds of force is required to make
self-replicating RNA?

Also. Nobody is claiming DNA was first made from
non-living matter. More likely nucleobases, and
eventually RNA. Then life. Probably.
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Yet that same force is not present on other
places outside of the earth.
There's no reason abiogenesis couldn't happen somewhere,
whenever conditions are right. We think we have an idea
of what conditions are required, but that's bleeding-edge
science and subject to change.
Since the Bible said God created all the sciences, I am all for true
The bible says no such thing. Science is the human study
of nature, and it was invented by humans.
Post by z***@windstream.net
science. Evolution is not science, just like astrology, men interpret
it to say what they want.
Your speculation is not to be confused with science.
You are just interpreting what you've heard to say what
you want it to say.
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
No. For a variety of reasons that are apparently lost on
you, the most likely place to find life on Mars today
would be deep underground. If you read anything about
current developments on the subject, you would know that.
Then why not the same thing here on earth? Why didn't it EXPLODE on
Mars like it did here? You are talking about a mindless, brainless,
not conscience force that is able to produce life. It shouldn't care
where it is doing that.
Earth and Mars are not the same. Conditions are
different. Why do I have to point out the obvious to
You are assuming they are completely different. They are not. Mars can
get up to 70 F. Evolution can then create a microscopic lifeform.
Next, the life form has millions of years to upgrade to battle the
cold conditions on Mars.
Here you go into the weeds again. Earth and Mars are
completely different. If you don't understand that by
now, reason won't help.

Then you completely misunderstand evolution, not sure
whether that's deliberate or knowledge-free thinking. You
can't argue against that which you don't understand.
Post by z***@windstream.net
But sadly for many, there is no evidence for that. So for now,
it shows to us to be lifeless.
False conclusion.

50 years ago, there was no evidence for exoplanets. By
your thinking, people then should have concluded they
must not exist. Right?

Now, thousands have been discovered. We know they exist.
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Extremophiles can survive boiling water. Does that mean
life could appear in boiling water? Not the same thing.
Good point. But I don't see why it couldn't. If it has the machinery
to defy high temperatures in a liquid, it could have started out the
Life is difficult to kick-start. No one has done it yet.
Boiling water is not ideal for forming nucleobases into
nucleosides, and amino acids into protein, and for lipids
to stick together.
You have to get some basic self-replicating molecules or
objects going first, then the adaptation process can
begin to fit available conditions. The first conditions
have to be accomodating and non-hostile, like the
conditions a newborn baby needs.
Your belief that life could originate on the moon as
easily as the earth is ridiculous.
I don't recall saying that. But we do have to keep one thing in mind.
Who says that evolution must conform to only earth-like conditions.
Supposedly it has this strange power to create LIFE.
Abiogenesis is chemistry, not magic.
Life itself is chemistry, not magic.
They can only occur where conditions are just right.
Post by z***@windstream.net
Scientists don't
know what life is,
Also false.
Post by z***@windstream.net
so they can't create it from non-life substances.
That's just a matter of time. Again, exoplanets were
unknown 50 years ago, did that mean they don't exist?
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
"People also ask
What is the origin of the extremophiles?
Extremophile | Definition, Types, Examples, & Facts | Britannica
The postulations that extreme environmental conditions existed on
primitive Earth and that life arose in hot environments have led to
the theory that extremophiles are vestiges of primordial organisms and
thus are models of ancient life. Extremophiles are also of research
importance in the field of astrobiology.Aug 20, 2024"
That's one hypothesis, that life may have originated near
"black smoker" vents on the ocean floor. Water there is
hot, but not boiling, and rich in some chemicals.
So, what is life? Does it just float in and evolution attaches it to
an object?
When it leaves a body, what has left?
You misunderstand the nature of life. It's a chemical
process. Read here:

As Vincent Maycock summarized, life involves:
"homeostasis, organisation, metabolism, growth,
adaptation, response to stimuli, and reproduction. All
life over time eventually reaches a state of death and
none is immortal."

I have snipped freely here, as i hate posting hundreds of
lines of quote bloat.
2024-09-10 20:21:15 UTC
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
You are assuming that God has to judge all life forms at
the same time. How do you get that?
I never assumed that.
You just did assume that.
Post by z***@windstream.net
It just makes logical sense to finish up here on
earth first, before creating more elsewhere.
It's like a man building his own house. He gets it 3/4 done, then
moves on to start something else. That would not be very efficient. So
I don't know why you assume that either. If you have a
garden, do you have to finish growing the tomatoes before
you start the cucumbers?
But you would not be running a test in your garden. If you run a test,
you get to the end in order to start another one etc.
Good am/pm to you too.
You seem convinced life cannot exist on 2 planets at the
same time for reasons of faith.
No, that is not what I am convinced of. If God is taken out of the
formula, and if life is found on another planet, life could exist on
zillions of planets and moons throughout the universe. And that would
PROBABLY mean that evolution was working.
Again, it is unlikely that God created new life elsewhere before the
testing is finished here on earth. But let me make it clear, the BIBLE
doesn't say one way or the other! I am just speculating.
You are trying to inject God into a process that doesn't
require him.
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
I am not so encumbered.
Was that your whole point, that the bible permits life to
only exist on 1 planet at a time?
No, but I speculate that the earth is the ONLY place to find life
forms at this time until all the tests have come to their completion
That would mean that we are alone in the physical universe at this
time. And so far, it's looking that way.
This is only faith-based speculation, having nothing to
do with science.
Since God created all the natural sciences (Gen 1:1), true science and
the true religion are brothers.
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
So you are saying when a life form shows up for the first time, it is
abiogenesis, but once it is established, evolution.
You can give any definitions you want.
Words have meanings. If you make up your own, you may as
well be peeing into the wind.
Got to try that sometime.
Post by El Kabong
I don't need to repeat
what the dictionary (or wikipedia) says.
Post by z***@windstream.net
The FACTS are some force has
created billions of life forms on the earth. From extreme conditions
to ideal conditions.
Abiogenesis is a process, not a force.
If it came from non-living matter, I would call it a force and process
to produce DNA from non-living matter.
You are wrong on too many levels. You won't understand,
Force means mass times acceleration, measured in newtons
or pounds. How many pounds of force is required to make
self-replicating RNA?
Just enough to make it work.
Post by El Kabong
Also. Nobody is claiming DNA was first made from
non-living matter. More likely nucleobases, and
eventually RNA. Then life. Probably.
Life at some point had to come from non-living matter, unless it
always was here. And I don't think anyone claims that.

I think I could understand how a pre-microbe may have come to life
after many years of continual changing chemicals and atmospherics,

But today we have BILLIONS of LIFEforms we can attest to. How do you
go from a microbe to an elephant? Or a microbe to ANY different life
form? Mutations? If that is true, then you need to change its
definition to something like "mutations are positive traits on an
organism and help to produce the diversity of life on this planet".

I am so surprised that high IQ people, like Stephen Hawking, accepted
the theory of evolution over an intelligent creation. Then I guess we
ought to change the definition of IQ as "Idiot Quotient".

Think about it. If we were made of silicon and pulleys and motors and
computer parts etc, most of your high IQ people would say for a
certainty that we were created by someone intelligent. That we just
didn't come together over time by random events.

Now, switch us to biological things, with all the same capabilities
+more, then watch the high IQ ones DENY that we were created by an

But I guess evolution has been drilled into our brains, from most all
our schooling and up to well respected people like Hawking.
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Yet that same force is not present on other
places outside of the earth.
There's no reason abiogenesis couldn't happen somewhere,
whenever conditions are right. We think we have an idea
of what conditions are required, but that's bleeding-edge
science and subject to change.
Since the Bible said God created all the sciences, I am all for true
The bible says no such thing. Science is the human study
of nature, and it was invented by humans.
Negatrons. Humans gave various sciences a name, such as physics and
astronomy etc. But those sciences were always there, and followed
'rules' that no human made.
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
science. Evolution is not science, just like astrology, men interpret
it to say what they want.
Your speculation is not to be confused with science.
You are just interpreting what you've heard to say what
you want it to say.
That is exactly how evolutionists think about it. They follow their
'IQ' (my definition).
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
No. For a variety of reasons that are apparently lost on
you, the most likely place to find life on Mars today
would be deep underground. If you read anything about
current developments on the subject, you would know that.
Then why not the same thing here on earth? Why didn't it EXPLODE on
Mars like it did here? You are talking about a mindless, brainless,
not conscience force that is able to produce life. It shouldn't care
where it is doing that.
Earth and Mars are not the same. Conditions are
different. Why do I have to point out the obvious to
You are assuming they are completely different. They are not. Mars can
get up to 70 F. Evolution can then create a microscopic lifeform.
Next, the life form has millions of years to upgrade to battle the
cold conditions on Mars.
Here you go into the weeds again.
Better weeds than what we have, poison ivy.
Post by El Kabong
Earth and Mars are
completely different.
Not "completely". Now Earth and Saturn could be said to be completely
Post by El Kabong
If you don't understand that by
now, reason won't help.
So I guess I have my IQ.
Post by El Kabong
Then you completely misunderstand evolution, not sure
whether that's deliberate or knowledge-free thinking. You
can't argue against that which you don't understand.
Not really. One can reason on an asteroid coming to hit earth. I
wouldn't know its mass, or the orbit it originally had. I don't know
the composition of the asteroid, or if there are enough forces to
break it up in the atmosphere before it get's to earth.

So one does not always have to know EVERYTHING about a situation, to
be able to reason on it. But sometimes it helps to know more. Take for
example, ghosts. (but that's another subject)
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
But sadly for many, there is no evidence for that. So for now,
it shows to us to be lifeless.
False conclusion.
Sorry, but what I wrote is a true fact. For all the exploring done on
the surface of Mars, "for NOW it shows to us to be lifeless". Unless
you know something the scientists or I don't.
Post by El Kabong
50 years ago, there was no evidence for exoplanets. By
your thinking, people then should have concluded they
must not exist. Right?
A true statement would have been, 'for NOW it shows to us to be no
such planets'. But even a moron could reason that as humungus (or
infinite) as the universe is, there is bound to be some.

So concerning your reasoning, you are jumping across the Grand Canyon.
You draw conclusions based on skimpy evidence.
Post by El Kabong
Now, thousands have been discovered. We know they exist.
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Extremophiles can survive boiling water. Does that mean
life could appear in boiling water? Not the same thing.
Good point. But I don't see why it couldn't. If it has the machinery
to defy high temperatures in a liquid, it could have started out the
Life is difficult to kick-start. No one has done it yet.
Boiling water is not ideal for forming nucleobases into
nucleosides, and amino acids into protein, and for lipids
to stick together.
You have to get some basic self-replicating molecules or
objects going first, then the adaptation process can
begin to fit available conditions. The first conditions
have to be accomodating and non-hostile, like the
conditions a newborn baby needs.
Your belief that life could originate on the moon as
easily as the earth is ridiculous.
I don't recall saying that. But we do have to keep one thing in mind.
Who says that evolution must conform to only earth-like conditions.
Supposedly it has this strange power to create LIFE.
Abiogenesis is chemistry, not magic.
Actually abiogenesis is neither. It is wishful thinking by
evolutionists to help support their theory.
Post by El Kabong
Life itself is chemistry, not magic.
More accurately it is electrochemical.
Post by El Kabong
They can only occur where conditions are just right.
Then how did extremeaphiles emerge? Are conditions for an underwater
volcano vent just right?
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Scientists don't
know what life is,
Also false.
Then if you know, you need to educate academia. Until then, we have
such comments as:

"1. Origin of Life:

Incomplete Knowledge: Our understanding of how life originated
from non-life (abiogenesis) is still incomplete. Without a complete
understanding of the exact steps and conditions that led to the first
living organisms, creating life from non-living matter remains
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
so they can't create it from non-life substances.
That's just a matter of time. Again, exoplanets were
unknown 50 years ago, did that mean they don't exist?
Back then no one should say they didn't exist. Rather, at the present
time, we have not found any.
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
Post by El Kabong
Post by z***@windstream.net
"People also ask
What is the origin of the extremophiles?
Extremophile | Definition, Types, Examples, & Facts | Britannica
The postulations that extreme environmental conditions existed on
primitive Earth and that life arose in hot environments have led to
the theory that extremophiles are vestiges of primordial organisms and
thus are models of ancient life. Extremophiles are also of research
importance in the field of astrobiology.Aug 20, 2024"
That's one hypothesis, that life may have originated near
"black smoker" vents on the ocean floor. Water there is
hot, but not boiling, and rich in some chemicals.
So, what is life? Does it just float in and evolution attaches it to
an object?
When it leaves a body, what has left?
You misunderstand the nature of life. It's a chemical
"homeostasis, organisation, metabolism, growth,
adaptation, response to stimuli, and reproduction. All
life over time eventually reaches a state of death and
none is immortal."
But it doesn't have to be ALL of those things. Let's take out
"reproduction". (castration) It is still life.

Let's also take out "growth". (the elderly) It is still life.

Let's also take out "homeostasis" (a person with a high fever and
dehydrated) It is still life.

Let's also take out "response to stimuli". ( congenital analgesia) It
is still life

. Let's take out "adaptation" ( adaptation-resistant) It is still

The only one I see there that a life MUST have is "metabolism".

So if you found a freak of nature that lived without all those things
except metabolism, then life still be quite elusive.

Then what about plant life? Do they have a somewhat different set of

Sincerely James.
Who has Bible truths:
politicians, clergy, doctors?
Go to jw.org
for answers.
Post by El Kabong
I have snipped freely here, as i hate posting hundreds of
lines of quote bloat.
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