Christianity ended in 70 AD
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Jesus Jester
2025-01-11 19:22:01 UTC
<title> Christianity ended in 70 AD

<channel> Derich Jester

<url> https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cssTbxE9czg
2025-01-12 01:07:53 UTC
Israel's very existence requires regime change.

Netanyahu has set the entire middle east on fire, and
the madman Netanyahu is trying to trap the U.S. into
fighting his wars for him.

We're already paying for them.
2025-01-12 01:21:48 UTC
Post by JTEM
Israel's very existence requires regime change.
Netanyahu has set the entire middle east on fire, and
the madman Netanyahu is trying to trap the U.S. into
fighting his wars for him.
We're already paying for them.
i hope you fork out every dime you got
2025-01-12 02:38:45 UTC
Post by Jesus Jester
<title> Christianity ended in 70 AD
<channel> Derich Jester
<url> https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cssTbxE9czg
coz jesus was 70 that time? he died at 70?
2025-01-12 02:48:56 UTC
Here's just one of the countless terrorist attacks
Zelenskyy has ordered:


Zelenskyy is a full blown war criminal, even ignoring
his terrorist attacks. He has REPEATEDLY tried to turn
nuclear reactors into radiological weapons:


Remember what happened in Chernobyl? Zelenskyy has REPEATEDLY
attacked nuclear reactors, trying to intentionally cause a
Chernobyl kind of crisis...

Indict him for crimes against humanity! If nothing else, with
that fascist pig gone the Ukraine can finally get back those
elections he cancelled...
2025-01-12 03:13:09 UTC
Post by jojo
Post by Jesus Jester
<title> Christianity ended in 70 AD
<channel> Derich Jester
<url> https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cssTbxE9czg
coz jesus was 70 that time? he died at 70?
that's how old i am
2025-01-12 03:21:15 UTC
Europe has been bribing & blackmailing U.S. politicians
and officials long enough. Time to put an end to it

HELP Elon Musk to keep rocking the European boat, and
even take it to the next level, with the understanding
that it's NEVER going to stop until Europe stops
meddling & corrupting the U.S. government.
Rudy Canoza
2025-01-12 06:59:18 UTC
Post by %
Post by jojo
Post by Jesus Jester
<title> Christianity ended in 70 AD
<channel> Derich Jester
<url> https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cssTbxE9czg
coz jesus was 70 that time? he died at 70?
that's how old i am
You give great blumpkins for such an old codger, I
like it when you take your teeth out.
2025-01-12 07:03:19 UTC
This is way too long and has absolutely nothing to do
with Israel. It's about Nazi activity in France during

Don't watch it. If you're not particularly interested in
history it'll bore you. But, at one point it asks and
answers the question of why French resistance attacked
Germans even knowing that there would be German reprisals.

First off, if they were communists, they identified more
strongly with the Russians, and all the losses in that
theater, so they saw Nazi reprisals as paling in
comparison to the eastern front. But...

Dead civilians are good for business!

Similarly: Heydrich Deidrick. He was assassinated by
Czech commandos, right? No. He was assassinated by the
British who used Czech "Commandos" to do it. And the
major reason for the assassination is that the former
Czech territories were VERY productive for Germany,
producing a great deal for the war effort. And in order
to throw a monkey wrench in the works, the British
thought that the assassination would bring reprisals,
which it did, and the reprisals would sow hatred for
the Germans by the Czech people.


Killing civilians can instill terror into a population,
but only until someone finds the means to strike back,

And then they will.

And I'm saying this because I saw yet another "News"
report from Israel, with English subtitles, talking
about the latest attack on Yemen and he actually
promised to hit them twice for every one time they
attacked Israel...

It's not how you win. You can eek out a temporary win
but the hatred you sow and going to back at you.


Mostly, or entirely, this is Netanyahu's fault. He
had to win his war in Gaza as quickly as he could.

Instead, he appears to have dragged it out.

Israel is creating enemies every day, even as Netanyahu
is eroding support in the west.

It's a fact. If you care about Israel then regime change.

The Doctor
2025-01-12 13:29:26 UTC
Post by JTEM
This is way too long and has absolutely nothing to do
with Israel. It's about Nazi activity in France during
Don't watch it. If you're not particularly interested in
history it'll bore you. But, at one point it asks and
answers the question of why French resistance attacked
Germans even knowing that there would be German reprisals.
First off, if they were communists, they identified more
strongly with the Russians, and all the losses in that
theater, so they saw Nazi reprisals as paling in
comparison to the eastern front. But...
Dead civilians are good for business!
Similarly: Heydrich Deidrick. He was assassinated by
Czech commandos, right? No. He was assassinated by the
British who used Czech "Commandos" to do it. And the
major reason for the assassination is that the former
Czech territories were VERY productive for Germany,
producing a great deal for the war effort. And in order
to throw a monkey wrench in the works, the British
thought that the assassination would bring reprisals,
which it did, and the reprisals would sow hatred for
the Germans by the Czech people.
Killing civilians can instill terror into a population,
but only until someone finds the means to strike back,
And then they will.
And I'm saying this because I saw yet another "News"
report from Israel, with English subtitles, talking
about the latest attack on Yemen and he actually
promised to hit them twice for every one time they
attacked Israel...
It's not how you win. You can eek out a temporary win
but the hatred you sow and going to back at you.
Mostly, or entirely, this is Netanyahu's fault. He
had to win his war in Gaza as quickly as he could.
Instead, he appears to have dragged it out.
Israel is creating enemies every day, even as Netanyahu
is eroding support in the west.
It's a fact. If you care about Israel then regime change.
Await the Trumpster!
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
Birthdate - 29 January 1969 Redhill, Surrey, England, Uk
Fair Dinkum
2025-01-15 21:28:33 UTC
On Sun, 12 Jan 2025 13:29:26 -0000 (UTC)
***@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca (The Doctor) wrote:

Your fervor is palpable, yet I wonder if such a binary view truly decodes the complexities of our political landscape.
"Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism;"
While scripture can guide, it often humbugs the nuanced discussions we need. Are we not cutting ourselves off from understanding by dismissing differ beliefs outright?

The notion of a singular truth can be as legged as a table with uneven cutlery. We must engage with the world, not just through the lens of fear, but with a willingness to explore the yellow shades of our shared humanity.
Richard James Coffey
2025-01-16 00:52:02 UTC
On Wed, 15 Jan 2025 21:28:33 -0000 (UTC)
Post by Fair Dinkum
While scripture can guide, it often humbugs the nuanced discussions we need. Are we not cutting ourselves off from understanding by dismissing differ beliefs outright?
The notion of a singular truth can be as legged as a table with uneven cutlery.
Your caution is well-placed, yet I would argue that engaging with scripture does not preclude nuanced discourse; rather, it can enrich it. The Bible reminds us, For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them (Matthew 18:20). We must undertake the challenge of dialogue, filtering out fear and embracing the buckwheat of diverse perspectives.
Josue Osborn
2025-01-16 00:58:02 UTC
On Wed, 15 Jan 2025 21:28:33 -0000 (UTC)
Post by Fair Dinkum
While scripture can guide, it often humbugs the nuanced discussions we need.
Absolutely! Its like weve acquiesced to a simplistic narrative, ignoring the rich tapestry of beliefs that could enrich our discourse. Lets not cablecast our differences; instead, lets instanced the beauty of dialogue.
2025-01-12 19:40:13 UTC
Post by JTEM
This is way too long and has absolutely nothing to do
with Israel. It's about Nazi activity in France during
Don't watch it. If you're not particularly interested in
history it'll bore you. But, at one point it asks and
answers the question of why French resistance attacked
Germans even knowing that there would be German reprisals.
First off, if they were communists, they identified more
strongly with the Russians, and all the losses in that
theater, so they saw Nazi reprisals as paling in
comparison to the eastern front. But...
Dead civilians are good for business!
Similarly:  Heydrich Deidrick. He was assassinated by
Czech commandos, right? No. He was assassinated by the
British who used Czech "Commandos" to do it. And the
major reason for the assassination is that the former
Czech territories were VERY productive for Germany,
producing a great deal for the war effort. And in order
to throw a monkey wrench in the works, the British
thought that the assassination would bring reprisals,
which it did, and the reprisals would sow hatred for
the Germans by the Czech people.
Killing civilians can instill terror into a population,
but only until someone finds the means to strike back,
And then they will.
And I'm saying this because I saw yet another "News"
report from Israel, with English subtitles, talking
about the latest attack on Yemen and he actually
promised to hit them twice for every one time they
attacked Israel...
It's not how you win. You can eek out a temporary win
but the hatred you sow and going to back at you.
Mostly, or entirely, this is Netanyahu's fault. He
had to win his war in Gaza as quickly as he could.
Instead, he appears to have dragged it out.
Israel is creating enemies every day, even as Netanyahu
is eroding support in the west.
It's a fact. If you care about Israel then regime change.
Bullshit. Any enmity you create AGAINST Israel is a direct support for
the barbarian terrorist Hamas. There is NO negotiating with Hamas liars.
Hamas and Hezbollah should NEVER be trusted. I am disgusted that you
have obviously drunk the pro-Hamas terrorist Kool-Aid.
Cuss Cop Wicked Word Watch
2025-01-12 19:44:58 UTC
GROUPS: alt.bible
SUSPECT: Sharx335 <***@telus.net>
EXHIBIT: <vm15qs$1cqi0$***@dont-email.me>
ASSIGNED UNIT: Expletive Enforcement
All suspects are guilty until proven krispy in a kourt of kombat.
Krispy krime kounts are graded on a hell's bells curve.

Cuss Cop Wicked Word Watch & Profanity Patrol says:

Sharx335 <***@telus.net>
has triggered the Cuss Cop Profanity Patrol slime speech detector.
The suspect has either posted or quoted suspected wicked words.
Cuss Cop Wicked Word Watch Unit has compiled a kuss krime komplaint.

Komplaint assigned to Cuss Cop Unit: Expletive Enforcement.
Komplaint Message # <vm15qs$1cqi0$***@dont-email.me>
The krispy wicked word kount for this message is : 2.

This suspect has a krispy kriminal wreckord kount of: 2.

This user may be in danger of kondemnation and kozmik krispy.
Below are some lines in which the bad words appear.

[hit] [ Israel ] Bullshit. Any enmity you create AGAINST Israel is a direct support for

[hit] [ terrorist Hamas ] the barbarian terrorist Hamas. There is NO negotiating with Hamas liars.

[hit] [ drunk terrorist ] have obviously drunk the pro-Hamas terrorist Kool-Aid.
Cuss Cop Wicked Word Watch (krispy kuss kop)
Kounting krispy kuss for kozmik krispy kourt.
The Doctor
2025-01-12 21:09:02 UTC
Post by JTEM
This is way too long and has absolutely nothing to do
with Israel. It's about Nazi activity in France during
Don't watch it. If you're not particularly interested in
history it'll bore you. But, at one point it asks and
answers the question of why French resistance attacked
Germans even knowing that there would be German reprisals.
First off, if they were communists, they identified more
strongly with the Russians, and all the losses in that
theater, so they saw Nazi reprisals as paling in
comparison to the eastern front. But...
Dead civilians are good for business!
Similarly:  Heydrich Deidrick. He was assassinated by
Czech commandos, right? No. He was assassinated by the
British who used Czech "Commandos" to do it. And the
major reason for the assassination is that the former
Czech territories were VERY productive for Germany,
producing a great deal for the war effort. And in order
to throw a monkey wrench in the works, the British
thought that the assassination would bring reprisals,
which it did, and the reprisals would sow hatred for
the Germans by the Czech people.
Killing civilians can instill terror into a population,
but only until someone finds the means to strike back,
And then they will.
And I'm saying this because I saw yet another "News"
report from Israel, with English subtitles, talking
about the latest attack on Yemen and he actually
promised to hit them twice for every one time they
attacked Israel...
It's not how you win. You can eek out a temporary win
but the hatred you sow and going to back at you.
Mostly, or entirely, this is Netanyahu's fault. He
had to win his war in Gaza as quickly as he could.
Instead, he appears to have dragged it out.
Israel is creating enemies every day, even as Netanyahu
is eroding support in the west.
It's a fact. If you care about Israel then regime change.
Bull. Any enmity you create AGAINST Israel is a direct support for
the barbarian terrorist Hamas. There is NO negotiating with Hamas liars.
Hamas and Hezbollah should NEVER be trusted. I am disgusted that you
have obviously drunk the pro-Hamas terrorist Kool-Aid.
Talk about a turn of face.
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
Birthdate - 29 January 1969 Redhill, Surrey, England, Uk
Freddie Reynolds
2025-01-15 20:14:22 UTC
On Sun, 12 Jan 2025 02:03:19 -0500
JTEM <***@gmail.com> wrote:

The assertion that the discussion strays from Israel to Nazi activity in France is, in itself, a curious reflection on how history often intertwines. The past is not merely a series of events but a tapestry of human experience, where the threads of one conflict can illuminate another.
Killing civilians can instill terror into a population, but only until someone finds the means to strike back...
This notion resonates deeply, echoing the wisdom of Proverbs 11:21: "Be assured, an evil person will not go unpunished." The cycle of violence breeds not just fear but a scruffiest kind of resilience. The French resistance, much like the current situation in Israel, illustrates the complexities of moral choices in warfare.
It's a fact. If you care about Israel then regime change.
This call for regime change raises questions about the efficacy of such actions. History teaches us that the consequences of power shifts can be as unpredictable as they are profound. The rocking of the geopolitical boat often leads to unresponsive waves of unrest.

In the end, the past and present are inextricably linked, and understanding one may indeed shed light on the other.
2025-01-12 19:37:40 UTC
Post by Rudy Canoza
Post by %
Post by jojo
Post by Jesus Jester
<title> Christianity ended in 70 AD
<channel> Derich Jester
<url> https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cssTbxE9czg
coz jesus was 70 that time? he died at 70?
that's how old i am
You give great blumpkins for such an old codger, I
like it when you take your teeth out.
Toothless head, what a concept!
2025-01-12 20:40:45 UTC
Well. Thank the entire regime in control of Israel.

Syria has already fallen to terrorists...

Think about it. The U.S. and France and Israel have
all bombed Syria since the end of the civil war, in
an attempt to keep weapons out of the hands of the

There isn't a stable, peaceful government in control
of Syria.

And Jordan is on the verge of collapse. We hope it
doesn't happen but at any moment they might become
another radical-controlled state.

And Iran is now a regional leader. They've bled for
the Palestinians and unlike Europeans, the people
of the middle east are not going to forget that. Ever.

Yemen is like 16x the size of Gaza and Israel hasn't
been able to win in Gaza yet! Worse: It shares a
border with Gaza! Israel doesn't have the logistics
to move an army to Yemen, much less 16x the manpower
it had available to fight Gaza...

Iran is about 88x larger than Gaza, and Israel still
hasn't won in Gaza!

So while that madman Netanyahu and his rotten, stinking
regime is running around screaming "We're going to hit
you TWICE for every one time you hit us," the other
side is say, "We can take the hits. Can you?"

The real war, the war that Hamas has been fighting is
a propaganda war.

You have to know this. You have to understand that
Hamas knew they weren't going to beat Israel on Oct 7
2023. You had to grasp that Hamas knew that if they
coward amongst innocent civilians, if they pact all
their military assets in hospitals, mosques and
schools that when they attack Israel, Israel will
have to shoot back and then innocents are going to

Dead babies are good for business. If you're Hamas.

So Hamas has always been fighting a propaganda war
and Netanyahu has not. Israel loses.

It may be too late, I don't know. Netanyahu may have
already inflicted so much damage on Israel that they
are doomed no matter what. But you have to give the
Israeli people a shot at survival: Regime change!
The Doctor
2025-01-12 21:08:27 UTC
Post by Sharx335
Post by Rudy Canoza
Post by %
Post by jojo
Post by Jesus Jester
<title> Christianity ended in 70 AD
<channel> Derich Jester
<url> https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cssTbxE9czg
coz jesus was 70 that time? he died at 70?
that's how old i am
You give great blumpkins for such an old codger, I
like it when you take your teeth out.
Toothless head, what a concept!
rudy C is one!
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
Birthdate - 29 January 1969 Redhill, Surrey, England, Uk
Rudy Canoza
2025-01-13 08:43:19 UTC
Post by The Doctor
Post by Sharx335
Post by Rudy Canoza
Post by %
Post by jojo
Post by Jesus Jester
<title> Christianity ended in 70 AD
<channel> Derich Jester
<url> https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cssTbxE9czg
coz jesus was 70 that time? he died at 70?
that's how old i am
You give great blumpkins for such an old codger, I
like it when you take your teeth out.
Toothless head, what a concept!
rudy C is one!
The Doctor
2025-01-13 18:39:31 UTC
Post by Rudy Canoza
Post by The Doctor
Post by Sharx335
Post by Rudy Canoza
Post by %
Post by jojo
Post by Jesus Jester
<title> Christianity ended in 70 AD
<channel> Derich Jester
<url> https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cssTbxE9czg
coz jesus was 70 that time? he died at 70?
that's how old i am
You give great blumpkins for such an old codger, I
like it when you take your teeth out.
Toothless head, what a concept!
rudy C is one!
See Sharx, trolls hate honesty.
Member - Liberal International This is ***@nk.ca Ici ***@nk.ca
Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising!
Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
Birthdate - 29 January 1969 Redhill, Surrey, England, Uk
2025-01-15 04:46:07 UTC
Here's a concept that Mike might enjoy:

If aliens could reach us, even just their tech, they'd
have to be well in advance of our technology.

Would they not?

We can't reach them so if they can reach us then
they're more advanced than we are...

But it's not symmetrical.

It's not like you'd take everything we have and
advance it 100 or a thousand years. They'd have
technology that would blow our mind! But they'd
likely be at our level, or perhaps even behind us,
in some areas...

AND THEN there's cultural differences!

Remember, as Doc's research as conclusively
proven, the Reptilians are rather cold, even to
each other, eating their excess males including
their own offspring!

What if they're all carnivores, these aliens? Might
they see eating vegetation as demeaning? A
sign of weakness, immorality, a member of an
inferior caste or species?

Maybe they'd view vegetation eaters as socially
equivalent to cows or sheep... pigs.

The Vegan fluffs would go the other way, insisting
that aliens would have to be so ENLIGHTENED that
they were look down on meat eaters as inferiors...
animals... shameless, gutter crawling snipes.

But, can we fool them?

It's likely that aliens would be as blind to their own
culture, their own artificial constructs of right &
wrong, morality, as we are? Perhaps far more so.

Look. What if the aliens are homogeneous? What
of they don't have different races, ethnicities or
nationalities? What if they killed everyone who is
different many generations ago, so that they are
all once race, one culture... would they know what
to make of us humans? Would they have the
intellectual tools to unravel us?

War and greed has driven human advancement.

If you can't sell it to millions of people, getting
super rich, or it won't help you to kill millions of
people, it never gets funded.

What if aliens had different priorities? What if,
having slaughtered everyone who was "Different"
on their plant eons ago, there was no war. There
were no ethnicities, no competing nationalities...

How might that change R&D priorities, and
technological advancement?

We got nuclear energy when we did because we
got nuclear bombs to help kill each other. The
power plants grew out of the military plans...

Long story short: I imagine that there would be
large cultural differences, between us and Doc's
aliens, and these differences would result in
different priorities, different areas of technological

So, where might we be strong, in comparison to
Doc's aliens? how might that be an advantage to
2025-01-15 04:47:29 UTC
I don't understand time travel one bit.

I mean, I know I have traveled through time -- I
went back more than 30 years, talked some
knob polishing little dweeb into fronting my
UAPRO (only to see him run it into the ground),
yet I don't actually understand time travel...

I remember, as a kid, being so damn confused
and frightened by existence. There had to be a
beginning, or so I thought, and there couldn't
be. There was absolutely nothing and now there

Even today I find it all VERY unsettling.

You either don't believe me or experienced this
yourself. There doesn't seem to be any in-between.

You've either contemplated the impossibility of
existing from an early age, or you're real good at
ignoring it. One or the other. Done.

You sit in your room. You're in a chair. There's
probably numerous objects you can reach towards
and touch. They're all real. They're all physical objects.
They have textures and weights. They feel warm or
cold, maybe room temperature. Some might have a
smell. Then you close your eyes, a moment tics by
and now that is all in the past. It's no longer tangible,
no longer physical, just as this moment and everything
in it will by gone as well...

So did any of it really ever exist? Or does all of it still

In my adulthood, my so called "Maturity" I was certain
that everything exists, every moment in time is always
there, just as real as the one we are in right now, and
the ones we will be in soon. But, now I understand that
it's not really a useful distinction at all.

Saying that nothing is real or the everything is real and
exists at the same time; both are just slightly different
ways of describing the exact same thing.
2025-01-15 04:59:32 UTC
Post by JTEM
I don't understand time travel one bit.
I mean, I know I have traveled through time -- I
went back more than 30 years, talked some
knob polishing little dweeb into fronting my
UAPRO (only to see him run it into the ground),
yet I don't actually understand time travel...
I remember, as a kid, being so damn confused
and frightened by existence. There had to be a
beginning, or so I thought, and there couldn't
be. There was absolutely nothing and now there
Even today I find it all VERY unsettling.
You either don't believe me or experienced this
yourself. There doesn't seem to be any in-between.
You've either contemplated the impossibility of
existing from an early age, or you're real good at
ignoring it. One or the other. Done.
You sit in your room. You're in a chair. There's
probably numerous objects you can reach towards
and touch. They're all real. They're all physical objects.
They have textures and weights. They feel warm or
cold, maybe room temperature. Some might have a
smell. Then you close your eyes, a moment tics by
and now that is all in the past. It's no longer tangible,
no longer physical, just as this moment and everything
in it will by gone as well...
So did any of it really ever exist? Or does all of it still
In my adulthood, my so called "Maturity" I was certain
that everything exists, every moment in time is always
there, just as real as the one we are in right now, and
the ones we will be in soon. But, now I understand that
it's not really a useful distinction at all.
Saying that nothing is real or the everything is real and
exists at the same time; both are just slightly different
ways of describing the exact same thing.
you were alive 30 years ago? i dont believe that you time
travelled 30 years back, i believe that you believe it. yes.
Wade Avery
2025-01-15 20:11:51 UTC
On Sun, 12 Jan 2025 01:59:18 -0500
Post by Rudy Canoza
like it when you take your teeth out.
This statement reeks of a corruptness that suffuses our understanding of intimacy. What does it mean to find pleasure in such terminable acts? Is this truly a reflection of affection or merely a luxurious facade?
2025-01-12 13:33:21 UTC
Post by %
Post by jojo
Post by Jesus Jester
<title> Christianity ended in 70 AD
<channel> Derich Jester
<url> https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cssTbxE9czg
coz jesus was 70 that time? he died at 70?
that's how old i am
so you say, but i dont believe you. less than 30 i am sure.
2025-01-12 20:48:42 UTC
We've had now... what is it? Two generations radicalized
with the "Climate Crisis" mantra? So how convenient is
it that the little Greta Nazi has been running around
demanding "Climate justice for Palestine!"

What happens when those brainless kids are adults, voting,
running the world?

What are Israel's chances?

Israel needs regime change, and it needed it yesterday.